View Full Version : Sad face

20-07-13, 07:18
Okay, so.. It's Friday night. I went to hangout with my friends tonight but only could stay at my buddies house for like an hour because of my anxiety. I constantly (and I mean constant feel on the verge of panic). I've been struggling from panic attacks and anxiety for almost about 5 years or so now, could be longer. I'm also very depressed. From the anxiety but also I feel like I have a lot of general depression on top of it. I just feel like everyone can handle life and just do whatever. Like, my friends were drinking and smoking weed with no issue and I can't even be around weed or I start freaking out. I can barely even eat without freaking out. Some weeks/days/months are better than others an I've been to consoling and therapy. I went to a hypnotherapist which kind of was a waste of money. Which is huge because I can't work because of my issues. My therapist always tell me to accept the anxiety and depression instead of fight then and react to the thoughts but I don't know how to do that. I'm tired of being miserable, always feeling like I'm going to die, always feeling suicidal, or like I'm losing my mind, or not normal. I need some advice, i don't want to feel suicidal anymore. These thoughts scare the hell out of me. & I'm not on meds. I was taking Prozac and I have a few Xanax but I'm trying to go the natural way with vitamins, eating healthy, and meditation. I never think I would commit suicide or anything but the thoughts **** with me and I feel constantly in pain, like actual pain, and helpless.

---------- Post added at 06:18 ---------- Previous post was at 03:10 ----------

Please, if anyone could reply. I'd really be thankful. I've feeling extremely helpless and depressed and panicky at the moment.

20-07-13, 08:51
Hi, did the Prozac not work for you? You could see if your doctor can recommend something else instead. I'm on citalopram myself and I find it helps with all the symptoms you described.

20-07-13, 09:24
It sounds like you are having an awful time. I really think you should think about settling on a med's routine that works for you though. You are courageous trying to struggle through but it's a bit like trying to walk on a broken leg.

Therapy is most effective alongside anti depressant medication. I'm not saying its all about medication, of course we know it isn't - but if you're clinically depressed it means that everything will be a struggle. You need to sort out those brain chemicals so that you can be at your fighting fittest and can start implementing those techniques from your therapist.

Citalopram was very helpful for my depression and anxiety. I had to switch to sertaline for pregnancy which hasn't been as helpful for me, but everyone is different. If Prozac worked for you give it a go again. Please try and get it out of your head that it is in some way wrong to take medication, you are unwell and need treatment. Benzo's can be helpful if used sparingly. I used to have a small amount, but would only take them in the evenings if I was struggling to sleep, as I knew panic was worse for me if I didn't sleep.
They are a good medication, but sadly they become less effective if used frequently and that's why I always kept them for very bad days.

I have found exercise, good healthy
Diet and mindfulness mediation helpful additions as well as medication.

Good luck!

20-07-13, 11:52
I've just sent you a PM. :) Sorry if my reply earlier this morning seemed a bit abrupt - I was in a hurry as I had a hairdressing appointment but I wanted to reply to your thread so that you wouldn't feel alone. :hugs:

20-07-13, 14:38
I can feel for you, i'm in the same boat. I think you should try at least 2-3 other antidepressants. A friend of mine tried anafril which made him worse, then he tried lexapro and he felt great with it, it's been 3 years now and he's still taking it everyday but at least he's doing well.
You know anxiety is a mix of genetic and environmental factors, so don't be afraid to take meds.

Stay strong, you're not alone.

20-07-13, 16:43
I get what you mean, I feel similar to this too. I've done therapy and still do it now but I've had this for 7 years nearly and it's not changed much for me. I'm also like you in that I don't want to take medication, I'd much prefer to go down the natural route but I just don't know how much that will help me at this point, I think maybe we might need the meds first to get back on track and then the healthy eating/living etc could be helpful in keeping on track. I know how difficult it is though, I can give this advice but I'm still not taking the meds! I'm really scared to! Did the Prozac not work for you?