View Full Version : Relationship help

Mother Rose
20-07-13, 04:47
Hi- I want advice for my current situation in my relationship, but I don't know where to go, who to talk to or see that I don't have to pay for or feels judged by my peers. I am in my mid 20's and my job is to provide support to others in need and I never thought I would be that person that doesn't know what to do. I'm stuck in a situation where I feel controlled and not heard. Now I'm giving many sites a try to see which one is the best for me. :unsure:

20-07-13, 12:25
Are you able to give us any more information?

I woudl advise anybody who is feeling controlled that it is a huge red flag, however I know nothing is simple and there may be reasons you are staying in the relationship...

:welcome: to the site.