View Full Version : Seeking some direction/Good advice

20-07-13, 05:24
Okay, so.. It's Friday night. I went to hangout with my friends tonight but only could stay at my buddies house for like an hour because of my anxiety. I constantly (and I mean constant feel on the verge of panic). I've been struggling from panic attacks and anxiety for almost about 5 years or so now, could be longer. I'm also very depressed. From the anxiety but also I feel like I have a lot of general depression on top of it. I just feel like everyone can handle life and just do whatever. Like, my friends were drinking and smoking weed with no issue and I can't even be around weed or I start freaking out. (Since that's what was what gave me my first panic attack) I can barely even eat without freaking out. Some weeks/days/months are better than others an I've been to consoling and therapy. I went to a hypnotherapist which kind of was a waste of money. Which is huge because I can't work because of my issues. My therapist always tell me to accept the anxiety and depression instead of fight then and react to the thoughts but I don't know how to do that. I'm tired of being miserable, always feeling like I'm going to die, always feeling suicidal, or like I'm losing my mind, or not normal. I need some advice, i don't want to feel suicidal anymore. These thoughts scare the hell out of me. & I'm not on meds. I was taking Prozac and I have a few Xanax but I'm trying to go the natural way with vitamins, eating healthy, and meditation. I never think I would commit suicide or anything but the thoughts mess with me and I feel constantly in pain, like actual pain, and helpless. Anyone that can give me some advice and some direction or something that I should go in that will help me? I've tried cbt but I feel like I've had a counselor that wasn't very good at cbt, and I couldn't get in on a consistent basis. I only saw him like every 2 or 3 weeks.

Daisy Sue
20-07-13, 06:14
Hi sedohrrelyt. Does your GP know all the above, just how bad you're feeling and how much it's affecting your life?

If not, I think you should tell him/her, and also ask for a referral to a different CBT therapist.

When I had CBT, it was every week for probably over a year... and at my worst times that one day in the week was what held me together. When you're really struggling, one meeting in 2 or 3 weeks just isn't enough support.

You're not on your own, and not everyone is out partying & having a wonderful life - it just seems that way to you at the moment.

20-07-13, 06:46
Yeah, my GP knows about all my issues. Especially since I used to be in there every week/every other week with questions since I was a severe hypochondriac. Still am to a degree. But, it's hard to find a good CBT therapist where I am that accepts my insurance. I just feel like I'm constantly looking for help and desperately trying to find help for me. I'm not just sitting here hoping it all goes away. I want to start working since I never got a chance to because this hit me when I was 15/16 and it forced me to drop out of school and everything. I try to push myself and face up to stuff but it feels like I always fall back into the same spot.

20-07-13, 08:53
You could try a different med if prozac didn't work for you. Take care and I hope you'll find something that works.