View Full Version : Lymph nodes in groin teen, 18 years old

20-07-13, 07:48
So i had 2 swollen lymph nodes in a groin for a month and a half and I went to the doc he said its pretty common in young adults , and its harmless.. did a blood test , fbc , and ESR. ( I lost weight a year ago, now touching myself felt something..) (I had a runny nose ..and some thing kinda like a cold before this)

I also gained 3-4 kg since I felt these swollen lymph nodes.. also had work outs like crazy .

ESR was 2 , those red cells or something were 160, lymphoocites were 30 something % , white blood cells were 9.1 (the doctor told me the limit was 11 at their lab).. And said that I was completely healthy

but I thought that the lymph had gotten larger , went to him about it (a month and a half after the blood test) , he touched them again and he said they are the same , and that I should chill, but I constatly keep touching them poking them squeezing..

So i have them 3 months and a half I think, and they are both smaller than 1 cm ( one is almost undetectable you have to really look for it too feel it..)

Also these months I have had diarhea , muscle twitching , constatipation , all of the things you could possible imagine.. I am athletic work out, eat healthy (3 months aago I changed my diet a bit so I think that could be it too..)

opinions? (I get scared too much about cancers, have epidermal cyst on my testicle.. thought that was cancer, also had this lump on neck and thought that was cancer for 6 months then I was ok, now after a year those fears are back.. :( )

considering I am 18 years old , what could those lymph nodes indicate other than testicular cancer that I read on dr google that is the most common in my age groups :(

I posted this on the blood tests section.. thought it would fit here better..

20-07-13, 10:33
Ive had a swollen lymph gland in my neck for 10 years. Sometimes they assume a new size after something simple as a viral infection.

Do not use Dr Google, it will feed your health anxiety.

20-07-13, 10:43
From what you've posted, leukocyte value is fine, ESR is on the quick side although it doesn't ring any alarm bells. What you describe as RBCs I assume would be platelets, which again are in the normal range. As for the lymph nodes, if they are very small then the doctor wouldn't be very worried (guidelines for investigation or referral only apply to lymph nodes which are 2cm or greater radially). It's unlikely you have cancer, and I think your intestinal troubles may be down to diet, especially if you are eating a lot of grains, etc (you mentioned gaining weight, although this might be added muscle weight if you are exercising regularly).
All in all, it sounds like you are remarkably healthy :)

20-07-13, 11:58
If I were a lymph node and somebody was poking me every day I'd kind of find it hard to shrink back to my normal size... :unsure:

20-07-13, 12:33
From what you've posted, leukocyte value is fine, ESR is on the quick side although it doesn't ring any alarm bells. What you describe as RBCs I assume would be platelets, which again are in the normal range. As for the lymph nodes, if they are very small then the doctor wouldn't be very worried (guidelines for investigation or referral only apply to lymph nodes which are 2cm or greater radially). It's unlikely you have cancer, and I think your intestinal troubles may be down to diet, especially if you are eating a lot of grains, etc (you mentioned gaining weight, although this might be added muscle weight if you are exercising regularly).
All in all, it sounds like you are remarkably healthy :)

what do you mean esr is on quick side ? It was 2, the most normal result it could possible be.. I mean if there was something wrong with those lymph nodes for a month and a half wouldn't it show on ESR ? Even if it was slightly raised..

RBC I meant hemoglobin lol.. rbc was good too within the normal.. And you are right I eat too much wheat its whole grain wheat and a grain wheat with other seeds.. (it's higher in protein..)

btw sometimes I squeeze the lymph node on top and it becomes a bit enlarged when I don't touch for a day or so seems smaller.. I can't stop worrying.. Its 0.7 cm or smaller in diameter (the one lymph node that is a bit bigger..)

It is also moveable , and that's probably why my doc was not worried.. also not hard.. rubbery but not hard ..

at the age of 18 what else except from testicular cancer can this be? As I read at my age colorectal sicknesses are very very very rare.. and the most common is testicular cancer..

---------- Post added at 11:33 ---------- Previous post was at 11:21 ----------

oh and also what's the difference between radially and in diameter.. my lymph node was smaller than 0.7cm in diameter (if it was something bad would it be bigger for 3 months..)

20-07-13, 12:37
Well anything above 20 for ESR would be most likely infection, something sinister would see it climb very quick. Usually for someone your age I'd expect it to be around 3-5 mm/h. As for the Haemoglobin count, they must use a different measurement in your country, as I'd expect it to be around 15 g/dL. Never heard of a Hb count of 160 g/dL hehe, so no doubt they are measuring in g/L. A result which had a normal value of 160 to me would be assumed as platelets.

As for the grains - try to cut down how much you eat, these cause a great deal of sensitivity and weight gain, and some researchers suggest that eating large amounts of grains is one of the leading causes of obesity and cardiac illness.

The testicles I wouldn't be concerned with. All swollen lymph nodes feel rubbery to solid, but they would have swollen a lot more, especially in someone your age if there was anything sinister to worry about. Remember that in the young cancer makes you ill much more quickly and is more aggressive, displaying many symptoms.

20-07-13, 12:56
Well anything above 20 for ESR would be most likely infection, something sinister would see it climb very quick. Usually for someone your age I'd expect it to be around 3-5 mm/h. As for the Haemoglobin count, they must use a different measurement in your country, as I'd expect it to be around 15 g/dL. Never heard of a Hb count of 160 g/dL hehe, so no doubt they are measuring in g/L. A result which had a normal value of 160 to me would be assumed as platelets.

As for the grains - try to cut down how much you eat, these cause a great deal of sensitivity and weight gain, and some researchers suggest that eating large amounts of grains is one of the leading causes of obesity and cardiac illness.

The testicles I wouldn't be concerned with. All swollen lymph nodes feel rubbery to solid, but they would have swollen a lot more, especially in someone your age if there was anything sinister to worry about. Remember that in the young cancer makes you ill much more quickly and is more aggressive, displaying many symptoms.

:yahoo::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1: THNX BRO

what should I eat instead of grains ? Could this be from milk too ( I used to drink 1 L per day .. skim milk , now drink less) When i was a baby I was alergic to milk

I will do one more blood test just to be sure . (and my ESR was 2.. no sign of inflammation what so ever..the lymph nodes were there for a month and a half so I think they would be at least a bit elevated )

Also does this forum have e fitness section? I like this forum alot as I have been in this situation 3rd time now.. :( so I think I will stick around

20-07-13, 13:12
:yahoo::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1: THNX BRO

what should I eat instead of grains ? Could this be from milk too ( I used to drink 1 L per day .. skim milk , now drink less) When i was a baby I was alergic to milk

I will do one more blood test just to be sure . (and my ESR was 2.. no sign of inflammation what so ever..the lymph nodes were there for a month and a half so I think they would be at least a bit elevated )

Also does this forum have e fitness section? I like this forum alot as I have been in this situation 3rd time now.. :( so I think I will stick around
Maybe from milk, although whole milk is much more healthy than skimmed milk. If so it's more than likely because you don't tolerate dairy very well. As for grains - there's enough fibre in vegetables and fruit for the average person. Pretty much all a human needs is meat, eggs, fish and veg in their diet.
As for your ESR - it's a normal value, the only reason I mentioned it didn't raise alarm bells is the nature of ESR. It's simply a non-specific sign of inflammation somewhere in the body. This could even be due to eating wheat or drinking milk, as they can cause low levels of inflammation. There are a few things which artificially lower ESR, but none of these apply to you (hence why I said nothing alarming), and 3-5 in an 18 year old is a pretty average finding. Of course 0 can also be normal.
There's no fitness section on the forum. Good idea though you should mention to Nicola, as studies show that even light exercise is as good or better than antidepressants in treating depression, and helps to stabalise blood pressure, adrenal output and blood sugar, among other things. I would advise everyone to exercise regularly to help with anxiety and depression (and general health as well). I might write a few posts on exercise and diet in the near future.

20-07-13, 13:23
Maybe from milk, although whole milk is much more healthy than skimmed milk. If so it's more than likely because you don't tolerate dairy very well. As for grains - there's enough fibre in vegetables and fruit for the average person. Pretty much all a human needs is meat, eggs, fish and veg in their diet.
As for your ESR - it's a normal value, the only reason I mentioned it didn't raise alarm bells is the nature of ESR. It's simply a non-specific sign of inflammation somewhere in the body. This could even be due to eating wheat or drinking milk, as they can cause low levels of inflammation. There are a few things which artificially lower ESR, but none of these apply to you (hence why I said nothing alarming), and 3-5 in an 18 year old is a pretty average finding. Of course 0 can also be normal.
There's no fitness section on the forum. Good idea though you should mention to Nicola, as studies show that even light exercise is as good or better than antidepressants in treating depression, and helps to stabalise blood pressure, adrenal output and blood sugar, among other things. I would advise everyone to exercise regularly to help with anxiety and depression (and general health as well). I might write a few posts on exercise and diet in the near future.

Well as long as my ESR levels was under 12 its fine by me..

My diet was healthy just before 3-4 months, I was eating boiled only chicken lean meat and sometimes cooked with olive oil, tuna fish with water or soy oil, I'd eat lots of dry fruits, all types of fruits , and i would avoid all types of bad fat and bad sugars. These swollen lymph nodes came as a surprise because genetically my family doesn't have health problems except diabetes 2which is nothing considering the lifespan.. both grandparents lived long ..

If there is a section about support .. I will share my story , for the people of this forum, as I was going through alot when I broke up with my gf,I was depressed , then thought I had this lump on neck and automatically started thinking about the worse, I would go 3-4 times a week at the doctor at least.. when this stopped I started working out I had 95 kgs, I lost 25 kg in some months(it was unhealthy I know).. and than started working out .. the anxiety went completely away, but now its back with these lymph nodes :(

20-07-13, 13:36
Well as long as my ESR levels was under 12 its fine by me..

My diet was healthy just before 3-4 months, I was eating boiled only chicken lean meat and sometimes cooked with olive oil, tuna fish with water or soy oil, I'd eat lots of dry fruits, all types of fruits , and i would avoid all types of bad fat and bad sugars. These swollen lymph nodes came as a surprise because genetically my family doesn't have health problems except diabetes 2which is nothing considering the lifespan.. both grandparents lived long ..

If there is a section about support .. I will share my story , for the people of this forum, as I was going through alot when I broke up with my gf,I was depressed , then thought I had this lump on neck and automatically started thinking about the worse, I would go 3-4 times a week at the doctor at least.. when this stopped I started working out I had 95 kgs, I lost 25 kg in some months(it was unhealthy I know).. and than started working out .. the anxiety went completely away, but now its back with these lymph nodes :(

If it was 12 I wouldn't too alarmed. If it were 110, then I'd suggest suing the doctor :roflmao:. As for diet - I would steer clear of soy products if you don't want to gain body fat, and stay healthy. Yes, I know what the claims are about it, but it really is just another processed food, and I'm not convinced they are any good for you. As for your story, it's always good to share experiences :)

20-07-13, 13:43
If it was 12 I wouldn't too alarmed. If it were 110, then I'd suggest suing the doctor :roflmao:. As for diet - I would steer clear of soy products if you don't want to gain body fat, and stay healthy. Yes, I know what the claims are about it, but it really is just another processed food, and I'm not convinced they are any good for you. As for your story, it's always good to share experiences :)

don't joke about things like that man :lac: :roflmao:

if it wasn't elevated at all after 1 and a half month it wouldn't be now either.

Thanks alot man, you helped me A LOT !:bighug1::hugs: (no homo:roflmao:)

20-07-13, 14:02
Hehehe you're welcome :D

21-07-13, 02:32
Le- 9.1 (11 limit)
MCh -28,7
MCHC- 37,3
PCT% - 0,191

and sediment is 4-5 on my urine dunno what that means

could I have these blood results if I had something wrong for a month and a half at least..

I am having anxiety again..

21-07-13, 14:02
All of your leukocyte counts are within the normal range. If there were investigations covering a differential leukocyte count (which has happened), the cells themselves would be viewed. It is very unlikely that there is anything wrong.

21-07-13, 16:38
what do you mean the cells themselves would be viewed? they did just this i dont think they did view them.. :(

also I just found 2 lymph nodes in neck they are soft but I am scared .. in the last month I have convinced my self I had, pancreatic cancer, bowel cancer, soft tissue cancer, and now skin cancer :S:(

I was at my doctor 2-3 days ago.. dude was not worried at all , told me it has no chances to be anything ..

21-07-13, 16:59
Well the best way of performing a differential leukocyte count is the manual count such as the May-Grunewald-Giemsa (the stain) method. You use a blood smear on a slide, count 200 WBCs and classify them as lymphocytes, granulocytes, monocytes, etc according to their morphology, to get the % of each among the total WBC count. You can see the morphological changes in the cells due to staining (which also makes identifying the cells easier, and the granulocytes are named for their staining: eosinophils, basophils and neutrophils, which highlights the characteristics of the nuclei and cytoplasmic granules. This is the most reliable way of performing the differential WBC count. Automated techniques can also be used to speed up the process. Differential WBC tests are remarkably simple to perform, and one of the few things I don't mind peering down a microscope at :roflmao:

---------- Post added at 16:59 ---------- Previous post was at 16:57 ----------

Search the forums for my post on skin cancers. However the skins of skin cancers are on the skin itself, and the non-melanomas look very alarming. If your doctor isn't worried about the nodes, you shouldn't be either. Obviously if they were an inch wide each then you'd start worrying, but if they're small and round and investigations haven't revealed anything, then there's little point dwelling on them.

21-07-13, 17:30
Well the best way of performing a differential leukocyte count is the manual count such as the May-Grunewald-Giemsa (the stain) method. You use a blood smear on a slide, count 200 WBCs and classify them as lymphocytes, granulocytes, monocytes, etc according to their morphology, to get the % of each among the total WBC count. You can see the morphological changes in the cells due to staining (which also makes identifying the cells easier, and the granulocytes are named for their staining: eosinophils, basophils and neutrophils, which highlights the characteristics of the nuclei and cytoplasmic granules. This is the most reliable way of performing the differential WBC count. Automated techniques can also be used to speed up the process. Differential WBC tests are remarkably simple to perform, and one of the few things I don't mind peering down a microscope at :roflmao:

---------- Post added at 16:59 ---------- Previous post was at 16:57 ----------

Search the forums for my post on skin cancers. However the skins of skin cancers are on the skin itself, and the non-melanomas look very alarming. If your doctor isn't worried about the nodes, you shouldn't be either. Obviously if they were an inch wide each then you'd start worrying, but if they're small and round and investigations haven't revealed anything, then there's little point dwelling on them.

so they did this counting thing right?? and if something was wrong these WBC on this test would show it right? I had these lymph nodes for a month and a half when I did that test..

If the melanoma had spread to these lymph nodes, it would show on the blood test right?

I have lots of small dots (since birth) , they are not larger than 0.2/0.3 cm .. my father has these too so I think its genetically.. I have looked all over my body and did not see anything bad.. except for one that had me screaming in 8 am after a sleepless night :doh: it didn't have symmetrical borders but my father had one like this for god knows how long and it was bigger than mine so i chilled:doh::doh:

I also think my nodes may have gotteen bigger , can they get bigger from milk or soemthing? cuz i drink too much of that.. btw they are under 1 cm..

21-07-13, 19:15
If you had metastatic cancer, you would be severely ill right now, and your blood markers would be abnormal.

22-07-13, 06:20
But if I had cancer a month ago, would that show in blood test?

I mean how long does it take for it to show up on a blood test .. if lymph nodes appear from skin cancer or so, would that show up on a blood test? I mean it would spread to the lymph nodes so it would show up in the blood test.. :( had swollen lymph nodes 1 month and a half before doing that blood test that I posted the results .. also after a month or so he felt my lymph nodes and said that its nothing to worry about, would they grow more in 2 months so the doc could feel them? I worry too much :( Could I have swollen these lymph nodes on my own? as I squeeze them , touch them NON STOP ! 24/7

now I'm having this feeling of muscle twitching which does not last more than 4-5 seconds.. :(

will go to the doc again in few hours..

and can't thank you enough you have been of great help..

22-07-13, 12:11
Well it all depends on the location and type of cancer, whether it's metastatic, the staging. If it were skin cancer your doctor would have noticed a suspect tumour on the skin.

22-07-13, 13:24
Well it all depends on the location and type of cancer, whether it's metastatic, the staging. If it were skin cancer your doctor would have noticed a suspect tumour on the skin.

well the doctor said that If I had a cancer for 3 months, id be showing symptoms,and that my bloodwork would show if anything was suspicious.. I have no weight loss, I workout.. he was going on and on why I don't have it.. and said that I should see another 2-3 doctors to get convinced or something , that I have convinced myself I have something that I don't have..

also if the lymph nodes were swollen that would mean that it has spread from somewhere right? and it would show on the blood test ..

22-07-13, 13:31
well the doctor said that If I had a cancer for 3 months, id be showing symptoms,and that my bloodwork would show if anything was suspicious.. I have no weight loss, I workout.. he was going on and on why I don't have it.. and said that I should see another 2-3 doctors to get convinced or something , that I have convinced myself I have something that I don't have..

also if the lymph nodes were swollen that would mean that it has spread from somewhere right? and it would show on the blood test ..
The doctor is right, at your age you'd get very ill, very quickly if you had cancer! As for lymph nodes - there's lot of reasons they would swell and all sorts of types. Skin problems usually result in dermopathic lymphodenopathy for example. Lymph nodes commonly swell simply because there are a lot of resident lymphocytes in them maturing or as a result of recirculation/surveillance, or higher lymphatic volume. Actual swelling of the tissues itself is distinct from this.

In short there is no reason to suspect you have any type of cancer.

22-07-13, 13:47
thank you alot man, I owe you one !

I will try and stop touching them.. and stop thinking about having anything lol..

I will add you as a friend, pm your facebook if you wanna just chat sometime about random stuff.. THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUU THANK YOU THANK YOU , you spoke almost the same words as my doctor

22-07-13, 13:55
Your welcome. Now stop worrying and go out and enjoy yourself ;)

27-07-13, 14:16
The more you touch it, the angrier it gets! :D

I had lymph node anxiety as well. I ended up "feeling" the lymph node on my neck so much that the doctors called it reactive and told me to keep my hands away!

27-07-13, 14:40
The more you touch it, the angrier it gets! :D

I had lymph node anxiety as well. I ended up "feeling" the lymph node on my neck so much that the doctors called it reactive and told me to keep my hands away!

did they swell right after you touched them or after some time.. I touch them so much .. i didn't touch them for 2 days and after that I felt that it had become slightly bigger.. i'll try and not touch them anymore though and I will try to stop googling lol :(