View Full Version : Sleepless night

20-07-13, 08:59
After another evening of dreadful skipped beats, feeling tired with it and sweaty I barely slept a wink worrying about my heart.
I don't know how to prove to myself there's nothing wrong as the sensations are alarming.
I was talking with someone yesterday and I started getting skip after skip, I had to sit down as it wouldn't stop. After fanning myself for a bit I felt a little better. I am worried now its something to do with standing up as this has happened before.
Last night my heart was beating really slow (which isn't normal for me especially in heat) and its worried me my heart isn't pumping effectively. It would be going along and then an odd beat would be thrown in.
I don't want to google as I know it's awful but a lot of these things seem to happen when I've been bending over and stand back up which leads me to think its something to do with positions. That there's so much blood going into my heart when I'm bent over and then when I stand up I get a massive thud to clear it as my heart is struggling to do its job.
The wait for this heart monitor will be awful.

---------- Post added at 08:59 ---------- Previous post was at 08:57 ----------

I've started thinking about MVP and I don't want to google that but I've heard peoe talk about it. I saw that you don't diagnose that by an ECG dinky sure how you catch that. And of it shows on an echo would it develop in the three years I haven't had one?
Do I need a new echo?

20-07-13, 12:20
You need to talk to the doctor about the things you are afraid it might be and ask him or her to explain how they know it is or isn't. :hugs:

20-07-13, 12:27
Oh god do you think there really is something wrong???

20-07-13, 14:47
We don't think there is anything wrong but we are not doctor's or cardiologists and they can best explain things to you and reassure you.

20-07-13, 14:52
I am sure there is nothing wrong with your heart only with your mind, the same as most probably all of us on here, your heart does weirdoes when you bend because you force your diaphragm up and thus it causes it to push the heart up same as wind round the heart which does happen 100% normal, your Dr is the expert not us he knows exactly what causes all these blips and its your anxiety, or he would be doing something.
Stop focusing on it and it will clear but not over night and like me u may get it all your life, all my sons get it and one of mine has just had a strict medical for his job and he is fine, he is 40 and had it since he was about 19/20 ish, he doesn’t even notice when it does it either, but he doesn’t get anxiety LOL

20-07-13, 17:01
Sorry Sweetheart, I was only picking up on what you said, I am sure it is likely to be nothing but as Nicola says, there is no way I can say that with any authority. All I meant was, make sure you discuss your concerns. I have my GP trained now - I just say, "I know this is probably a really silly concern but I would be really grateful if you could reassure me about..."

I don't think most doctors mind doing this, after all it's a part of the anxiety which they can sort of treat by reassuring us... But we have to trust them and use their words as a mantra to get us through the anxious times!