View Full Version : Palpitation and heart beat skipping

20-07-13, 11:20
Ok so ive suffered from panic on and off for around 5 years this year has been a massive milestone for me as ive started a part time job which i love and gets me out the house but just lately ive started with recurring palpitations and when i take my pulse during these palpitations it feels like it skips a beat? Has anyone else felt like this? I dont know whether its down to the sudden heat wave and feeling hot and agitated all the time or that i have had a nasty sorry guys case of thrush, and i mean nasty!!
Help just dont want this to start bringing me down again

20-07-13, 11:22
Premature ventricular contractions are common and occur in practically everyone. They're usually benign unless associated with other cardiac symptoms, and nothing to worry about. If you are worried ask for an ECG.

20-07-13, 15:26
joelhall is right. I went to a free cardiac screening event run by CRY in London last weekend, partly because I get palpitations - 3 hard beats which feel high up in my chest - then my heart goes back to normal.

The cardiologist says this is perfectly normal, it's what happens when the heart misses a beat, it then beats harder/faster to catch up to where it should be. He wrote 'ectopics' on my form I filled in. Mine is happening once every 2-3 days. He said if it starts to happen much more frequently, several times a day - or if it goes on for longer than 3 beats, if it races for a prolonged time - then those are symptoms to get checked out. But as things stand, no problem. He said most people get these ectopic beats, but they're not always aware of them - some people are more aware of them than others, and once you've noticed it, you tend to notice it again and so on.

20-07-13, 15:36
joelhall is right. I went to a free cardiac screening event run by CRY in London last weekend, partly because I get palpitations - 3 hard beats which feel high up in my chest - then my heart goes back to normal.

The cardiologist says this is perfectly normal, it's what happens when the heart misses a beat, it then beats harder/faster to catch up to where it should be. He wrote 'ectopics' on my form I filled in. Mine is happening once every 2-3 days. He said if it starts to happen much more frequently, several times a day - or if it goes on for longer than 3 beats, if it races for a prolonged time - then those are symptoms to get checked out. But as things stand, no problem. He said most people get these ectopic beats, but they're not always aware of them - some people are more aware of them than others, and once you've noticed it, you tend to notice it again and so on.
This is correct, what is being described is ventricular tachycardia. However, this has a pathological cause, and is distinct from PVCs.