View Full Version : Nausea after eating--IBS?

20-07-13, 15:06
Hey folks, again in the throws of abdominal freakout...

So I am about a year into this on again off again odyssey of abdominal worry. I have had pains, and specifically, a localized pain in a specific area. It comes and goes, but is definitely new to the last year. I have had days without it, then a week where it is bothersome. There seems to be no predicting it, and I cannot tie it to a food or drink etc.

Then yesterday I got nauseous after eating breakfast, then lunch. Ironically, the only meal I didn't feel queasy after was my rather greasy, fatty dinner, after which I felt fine.

I grew up with an iron stomach, and while I have had legendary gas in the past, I could eat habanero peppers and suffer no ill effect. Now it seems like everything I eat sends me to a new level of fear.

Do you guys get nausea with your IBS? I have been to the doctor twice about my stomach aliments (before this nausea) and he has pretty much dismissed them as a case of getting old (I am 42 and male). I have no heartburn, but I do get burpy and gassy. BMs are pretty much normal as can be.

I wish I could shake the feeling that something is wrong, and take the doctor at his word, but now two days of nausea after eating, and I add another abdominal symptom to my worry list... Which I suspect just makes it that much more pronounced.

Thanks for listening, this and my other HA forum have really saved my butt and I feel I owe you guys a lot. Hard to find folks who understand...

20-07-13, 15:41
Were you taking antibiotics or have a GI infection before this started?

20-07-13, 16:58
I would ask him to check your gallbladder.

20-07-13, 18:25
Naw, fairly certain it is IBS, and no warning or anti biotic treatment. It is on the wrong side (the pain) for the gall bladder, as I understand it.

The nausea thing is just yesterday and today, so not trying to get too wrapped up.