View Full Version : super stressed!!

20-07-13, 20:38
Hi all. the last two weeks ive had allot of anxiety around leaving my job (basically got treated like dirt because i decided to hand my notice in during their busiest time) and nervous about starting my new job.ive left now but i lost a fair few ponds of weight during this time, i feel on edge and stressed all the time, and feel tired all the time. does anyone have any advice for this super stressed soul!?

20-07-13, 23:11
Definitely take as good care of yourself within your power as possible during a time like this. Eating & drinking well and trying to get a good nights sleep, distracting yourself. Try and find time to relax and find time for yourself, it can be hard to settle down but do your best. Stay positive for the new job! Don't stay hung up on your old one, it's not worth it. I wish you good luck and all the best! :)

21-07-13, 11:53
Thanks for the advice. im just so tired all the time and really nervous about starting my new jjob. iss there any way i can just relax?

21-07-13, 13:46
yup changing jobs is a bloody stressful situation in general , let alone while having anxiety. but you will be ok:hugs:

guided meditation (basic visualisation) tends to help me, relaxing atmosphere at home - a nice home cooked dinner with a good friend, candles, small glass of wine (if not on meds) & good movie, etc. a full body massage always did the trick for me, or pampering in general (but not a spa - makes me think of mental hospitals for whatever reason). sleep has also been a saviour for me, helped me get through really panicky situations. any form of physical exercise can do wonders (i should listen to my own advise!). and make take advantage of the good weather and see a bit of nature - it can be extremely helpful.

found this online, perhaps it will help (can't paste full link as i have less then 10 posts on the forum :unsure: - i'll PM you)

but most of all, just remember that what you feel is very very normal, most people feel anxious about leaving their job and going into an unknown situation.

good luck :yesyes: