View Full Version : I have a question about my panic attacks?

20-07-13, 21:33
So i notice that my panic attacks ALWAYS happen at evening or night time. I've honestly never had a panic attack in the morning, ever. I've had like a thousand of these panic feelings at night and never in the morning. The adrenaline rush, sweaty hands, fast hearbeat, feeling weird, thoughts, dizziness, hot flashes etc. always happens to me in the evening or night. Mostly when it's dark outside. I feel more on edge when it's dark for some reason.

Anyways, i was just thinking because the feelings are always at a certain time a day (at evening/night) does this kinda rule out that it's not a bad mental or physical illness that is causing this? Because then i would have it at other times in the day too right??

Sorry if this is a weird question, i'm trying to reassure myself.

21-07-13, 01:25
Im exactly the same, I never panic during the day but by 8.30pm im panicking. And mine are also every night. I don't feel depressed at all and only feel anxious when my panic attacks start.
Some nights I recover from them quickly and other nights (most nights) they last most of the evening.
I think mine come from worrying about my health, but im only worried about my health because I get symptoms of panic attacks. Its a big roundabout that's hard to get off once your on it.

I know its panic as ive had blood tests, ultrasound scans on basically all my internal organs, chest xray, a mammogram. My GP is probably sick of seeing me lol.

21-07-13, 08:41
Hi The Script.

I can tell you that from what you describe, I don't believe there is anyway possible that it's a physical illness. Panic attacks are a 'mental illness'. From what you describe, it sounds to me like classic panic attacks.

As far as wondering if it's a 'BAD' mental illness or not, well that's entirely up to your perception. Is there such thing as a good mental illness? I don't believe from what you're telling us that you have a serious mental health problem, but panic attacks can ruin a persons life. Whether it's a 'good' or a 'bad' mental illness is entirely up to you.

Many people panic at the same time of day or the same situation. That's the nature of a panic attack. For example, someone might suffer a bad panic attack in a supermarket. Then when they next go in the supermarket they remember the bad panic attack they had last time and are on high alert. This normally will cause the panic attack to be so well remembered that they might have another. This becomes a trend will all shops then.

The same with you at night. I would guess you first had a panic attack at night and now associate night time with panic attacks.

There is no such thing as a 'good' or 'bad' mental illness. No one here can answer that. Only you know whether it's a 'good' or 'bad' mental illness. Are you happy that it's only at night and never in the day? Does this make your life fairly comfortable? Or are your nighttimes really horrible because you dread them coming around for fear of another attack? It's perception.

But to clear your mind (and no one on here can properly say this for sure so please visit a doctor to rule out any physical conditions such as thyroid problems) I would say that you have nothing physical that is causing your panic attacks.

All the best


21-07-13, 09:31
Great answer.

21-07-13, 10:10
Thanks everybody.

Steveo - Thank you for the long answer! with 'bad' mental illness i mean one of those scary, more serious ones. aslong as i know it's just anxiety/panic i'm fine.. Yes my first panic attack was at night time, you're right. I've been to the doctor and psychologist the doctor ruled out physicall and the psychologist said it's anxiety. But that was almost 2 years ago..

21-07-13, 11:14
I still don't understand what a 'bad' mental illness is. I personally don't think there's anything more scary than anxiety disorder. Infact.... on the scale of scary mental health disorders... surely panic disorder is the scariest? After all.. we experience debilitating fear that ruins our lives.

21-07-13, 11:21
I mean like the ones that are brain diseases or the ones that never go away..
I agree with you panic is the scariest but atleast it can be cured and you don't have it for the rest of your life.

21-07-13, 11:54
That's where I would disagree. I don't believe you can 'cure' panic attacks. I think it would be far easier to 'cure' a 'brain disease'.

I think you can learn to cope with panic attacks though but never fully cure yourself of it. I think I would recommend some reading material for you to get a better understanding of panic disorder.

21-07-13, 12:55
mine seems to happen more at nite also, I think when I.m relaxed and my mind starts to wonder. Worse when I try to go to bed and all is quite, That is when it is really bad.

21-07-13, 15:11
My anxiety/panic attacks only happen when I am at home and trying to relax, never when I am working or doing something else. So evenings and weekends, when I should have some time off, are a nightmare. I am having a very bad day today. I just have to tell myself that, if I am fine when I am busy, there can't be much wrong with me. Not easy though.

21-07-13, 16:39
That's incredibly common sjlb.

People rarely get panic attacks when their minds are active. It happens more at periods of rest when the brain has nothing else to think about. When we are busy and need focus, we forget about anxiety.

A great passage from a book I read was that Firefighters never get panic attacks when they are tackling a blaze. They will get panic attacks when they are back at the base sitting around doing nothing. If you were having a panic attack and suddenly something bad happened like a car drove into the side of your house, your panic attack would stop because your mind then needs to be completely focused on this new actual danger or threat or strange situation. Soldiers don't get panic attacks on the front line. They get them during down time.

Just Some Guy
22-07-13, 14:54
TheScript - I only get panic attacks at night also, but only if I wake up during the night. I spend most of the day in a constant state of anxiousness so I guess this is my body's way of saying it's had enough, but I can wake up to go to the toilet, or wake up to move from the sofa to the bed and BAM! I enter the world of a panic attack.

It starts with a fluttering feeling in the chest area, then the adrenalin begins flowing through me so powerfully that my legs, shoulders, chest, and back all start shaking (not uncontrollably though), and my jaw and neck muscles tense up. If I didn't know better I'd swear it was a mini-seizure! Lol!

Then anything up to 15 minutes later everything relaxes and I'm able to calm down again (though sleep is merely a distant wish from this point!).

Strange why this only happens if I wake up from sleep at night, waking up in the morning is absolutely fine thus far. ::Fingers crossed!::