View Full Version : scared to take my pill.

20-07-13, 23:31
Hello ive got to start 5mg of cipralex .. i was on these 4 years ago. And due to too much stress ive got to have them again... im so scared of the side effects. But was wondeeing if any one had a sleeping pill to take with them so it doesnt wake me through the night.. plz give me some advice before i start it. My panics have gotton worse one afyer the other now on and off all day every day i cant cope now.. xplz help.

21-07-13, 11:28
5mg is a TINY dose so don't worry! If you are worried then ask your GP for some diazepam to help you with the anxiety whilst you start up.

Starting on 5mg is tiny and this medication is very good as far as side effects are concerned. This medication shouldn't wake you in the night.

I understand how scary things are for you now. Just know that the medication is here to help you. It's very mild and will be ok. I'm on 20mg. I just upped from 10mg to 20mg. I was scared then but it caused very few side effects.

Keep us updated xxx

22-07-13, 08:11
Well took my 2nd dose of cipralex steve. Had an awful weekend ive ate a piece of toast and a banana all weekend drank lots of water. My legs are twitching keep heaving and being sick but think thats my anxiety. I know its only a little dose but last time i was on them they made me feel bit worse. So scared i realy hate feeling like this just want to feel better.. got to go work soon and i had an awful night last night jumping awake every 10 to 15 minutes my body tingling hot adrenalin rushes it awfull and scares me. Still i know the tablets will help in the end fingers crossed i stick this out. Xxx

22-07-13, 09:43
Just keep taking them and the side effects will go soon, I promise you darl...I used to have them for about a week to a fortnight when I upped my dose and of course first started out on Cipralex.

01-08-13, 05:09
When I started I had pretty bad side effects in the way of increased anxiety but I promise you they do go! My doctor started me on 10mg so 5mg should be better. As far as sleeping goes i actually found they made me tired in the first few months. If you're having problems definitely go ask for some tranquilizers just as you adjust. I was on lorazepam (ativan) as I started and it helped. Just keep in mind that they are just elide effects and they really will disappear in a few weeks! Good luck!