View Full Version : Looking back

21-07-13, 10:32
I realised that the whole problem with my heart anxiety started when I had what I thought was a heart attack two months ago. It was said I had a massive panic attack but I had classic middle if the chest pain and nausea and a feeling that I was going to die. I presume I didn't have a heart attack as it would have shown on an ECG?
The heart/panic attack was fuelled by the fact just lately my blood pressure has been the lower side if normal and my pulse is slow. It's quite frequently 60bpm which I know is within normal range bug isn't normal for me, and certainly not for someone with health anxiety/panic etc.
I worry that this is what is causing my skipped beats z I worry my heart isn't strong enough.
I worry that the stress of the past year has damaged my heart. I have felt a log of rage and anger from my divorce and I have lost it anger wise ranting and raving far too much. I worry that has damaged my heart.
Why would my bp and pulse be so low when I'm not at all fit? I'm used to it being around 75-80.
I feel unnaturally tired all the time and lightheaded which I worry is my heart too.
I'm now scared to go anywhere and do anything and even move sometimes. I'm not enjoying my children the poor things. I am going on holiday next week and while I'm looking forward to it I'm also panicking. Dreading it. I'm dreading going out with friends soon, taking my children to their social activities. All things I enjoy doing! It's upsetting me. I want to meet someone new but I daren't. The thought of it sends me into panic but I want to do it. I don't like being alone but I don't want all this to come into a new relationship.
What is wrong with me?
Sorry for all the posts lately. I really appreciate the advice while I'm trying to deal with this.

21-07-13, 10:39
My pulse is slow - between 52 and 60. When I was in labour (27 years ago) the midwife asked, "Are you an athlete?" just as I was starting a contraction, and I couldn't breathe for giggling hysterically. (I was 3 stone overweight at the time and shouted desperately, "Surely placentas weigh more than that???" when I gave birth.)
My Mum's was around 48 and she lived to 85.

My usual blood pressure is low too. It's far less likely to be of concern than a high one.

---------- Post added at 10:39 ---------- Previous post was at 10:36 ----------

I'm assuming you are taking your own BP. Not a great idea tbh. Go and get it checked. You will certainly find sinister google results but I wouldn't bother. It's far more likely to be something an nothing, but get a doctor's reassurance.

21-07-13, 10:44
No it's every time I've been to the dr. I've never taken my own bp.

21-07-13, 11:05
Ah ok. Well then... what has the doctor said about it? There are things where a slow heartbeat isn't good but generally it means it is a fine, strong beat.

21-07-13, 11:07
You are going through a really stressful time at the moment and I would say that the tiredness etc is due to that stress.

I was wondering if you have been put on any medication that would lower your blood pressure or pulse rate? It is very early days for you to have got over anything that happened to you; I have been in the same position as you and I always thought that *I should be doing better and feeling better, but your body will recover at its own pace. I think you are doing the best thing by having a break with your children, you may feel bad at times, but you will get the benefit of a change of scenery. I wish you peace of mind.

21-07-13, 11:09
My BP plummeted in the first couple of weeks on Prozac.

21-07-13, 11:37
No meds no. Gp just dismissed my question. Presumably not worried. It does speed up but just generally slow.
My bp was 110/70 I think last time.
I just keep thinking about my friends dad who had a heart attack and had low bp and pulse :(

---------- Post added at 11:35 ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 ----------

To add my downward spiral started when I head an altercation with my ex over the kids. From then on every time he came round or I got a message from him I would literally start visibly shaking uncontrollably. It took a long whole for this period to subside but it did with rest. But now have come the heart problems and I'm worried all this stress has caused me to me irreparably damaged.
I feel like I'm being smothered all the time.

---------- Post added at 11:37 ---------- Previous post was at 11:35 ----------

I also feel like my pulse is weak all the time. Sometimes I struggle to feel it in my wrist. I know I shouldn't be feeling for it.
Now with this nausea and hot flushes today, it's quite cool today but I'm sweating, I'm worried further.

22-07-13, 09:49
I'm beside myself today, my panic over this seems to be heightening. I keep getting a tingling tongue and head. And I am absolutely so tied I could sleep all day. Feeling wobbly too.