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View Full Version : Numbness in the face

28-06-04, 16:49
hello everyone,

Just a quick question...when I feel paniky, I sometimes notice that my face, especially my cheeks, get really numb. I often think that maybe I'm imagining it. Does anyone else get that???

Sarah (seh1980)

28-06-04, 17:46
Hiya Sarah

Nope dont think you are imagining it.
I used to get numbness in the face and for me it used to signal a panic attack starting.

love Sarah

we arent mad, just the next stage of evolution :)

28-06-04, 20:06
Hi Sarah

Not it is not you imagining it at all, i get the same symptoms, including i feel my mouth has gone numb and if i try to talk it all comes out and makes no sense at all. But maybe that is just me!!! Hope you are ok.

See you soon.

Love Sal xxxxxxxx

30-06-04, 22:16
Thanks for your replies Sarah and Sal - nice to know it's not just me!! xoxox

14-07-04, 21:05
Sorry bit late on a reply for this one but I get numbness. I feel my hands are going numb and I also feel that my eye sight is going blurred. I also see flashing like stars in my eyes. I know its just signs from the panic attack so I don't worry so much about it now. Although still not nice when you are going through it all.