View Full Version : Husband away - any advice?

21-07-13, 14:12
Hi everyone - hope you are all coping ok in this hot weather :hugs:

Wondering if anyone with anxiety has some advice about coping when their spouse goes away? Hubby gone away for 2 days to attend a family funeral and to say i'm absolutely terrified is an understatement! I hate to be seperated from him at the best of times - even if he is just at work - but we have never spent 2 nights apart, not even when I was well.

Has anyone else got any advice about the best way to stay calm when your alone and missing someone terribly? He's only been gone 40 minutes and i'm struggling already!

Thank you lovely people xxxx

21-07-13, 14:21
My hubby goes away tomorrow for 2 days for work.
He's always gone away through work, so I'm used to it..
And now ive recovered from Anx I'm fine with it.
But I do recall feeling as you do..I'd make plans to see a friend, have someone over, even stay over night...I had my dogs for company too though.
Don't panic yourself by telling yourself you can't cope.. If you tell yourself your going to panic, then you will..
Make some phone calls, go out if you can..watch tv, read.etc distract yourself..
There's always cleaning!
You'll be fine, tell yourself that.. You can talk to him later on phone too.

21-07-13, 14:30
My hubby goes away tomorrow for 2 days for work.
He's always gone away through work, so I'm used to it..
And now ive recovered from Anx I'm fine with it.
But I do recall feeling as you do..I'd make plans to see a friend, have someone over, even stay over night...I had my dogs for company too though.
Don't panic yourself by telling yourself you can't cope.. If you tell yourself your going to panic, then you will..
Make some phone calls, go out if you can..watch tv, read.etc distract yourself..
There's always cleaning!
You'll be fine, tell yourself that.. You can talk to him later on phone too.

Thank you so much for replying and your so right about not telling myself i can't cope - that's the stinger right there!!

Planning on watching series 2 of Sherlock in a bit, then my mum coming over, them i'm going to play with guinea pigs.....there that's this afternoon sorted!

21-07-13, 16:46
Well done! You go, girl!

21-07-13, 17:07
Well done! You go, girl!

Lol thank you Speranza! I've even made myself pop over to my nans 200 yards away to clean her birds feet and wasn't expecting to be able to do that!

I love you lot :bighug1:

21-07-13, 17:30
Why does your nan have birds' feet? Was it a transplant?


21-07-13, 17:31
My husband works away most of the week and I just do as much as I can to keep myself busy. I do a few crafts, reading, go out for a walk, chat to friends. I also talk to hubby on Skype every evening.

---------- Post added at 17:31 ---------- Previous post was at 17:30 ----------

Why does your nan have birds' feet? Was it a transplant?



21-07-13, 17:36
Why does your nan have birds' feet? Was it a transplant?


Lol love it :D

---------- Post added at 17:36 ---------- Previous post was at 17:32 ----------

My husband works away most of the week and I just do as much as I can to keep myself busy. I do a few crafts, reading, go out for a walk, chat to friends. I also talk to hubby on Skype every evening.

---------- Post added at 17:31 ---------- Previous post was at 17:30 ----------


Thanks guys - think keeping busy definitely seems to be the key. I'm trying to plan things hour by hour - if I think beyond that i get overwhelmed by the time left.

21-07-13, 18:44
If you have a set of ear phones go to Librivox and listen to the enchanted barn, a love story but very engrossing, there are 100s of FREE stories and if you do it in bed you will nod off and if you dont you want care xx

21-07-13, 19:01
If you have a set of ear phones go to Librivox and listen to the enchanted barn, a love story but very engrossing, there are 100s of FREE stories and if you do it in bed you will nod off and if you dont you want care xx

Thanks very much - i will have a look for that :yesyes:

21-07-13, 19:11
http://librivox.org/the-enchanted-barn-by-grace-livingston-hill/ i have an internet capable phone and zip file to that