View Full Version : really anxiuose

21-07-13, 15:20
hi ive been really anxiouse since thurday and keep feeling like im lghtheaded feel sick and my eyes go blurry and its making my anxiety even worse i went to see my gp on fri but he didnt exam me he just said it most likely anxiety i dont know weather because he didnt check me over to rule out anything im panicking more as i keep thinking there is something really wrong with me and because i feel like this ithink either im going to pass out or die and feel very frieghtened i know this may sound so stupid to most of you and i feel so stupid and silly telling any one as im 57 and shouldnt act like a little child how im feeling but when my anxiety is so bad thats when i start to think this way as im so frieghtened of the anxiety and its symtoms. can any one please give me any advice how i can stop being like this and is the lightheadedness feeling and the nausea and blured visin anxiety thk you for reading

21-07-13, 16:14
So sorry you feel this way and you are not silly or stupid in anyway, ok?!!! I have exactly the same symptoms and I know how frustrating it is when you go to the doctor and they literally put everything down to anxiety. Sometimes you just want some reassurance but some doctors are rubbish at it!!

I know it's really hard but the best thing to do is try and accept the physical symptoms you are experiencing and, even if they are not anxiety related, it will make it far easier to cope with. Deep breathing and distraction are great for removing your focus from your symptoms. Acceptance is key - don't fight, just float.

21-07-13, 16:14
I felt same yesterday, but put it down to heat and lack of food, fluids..
Drink plenty of water..eat regular..

21-07-13, 16:23
thk you both for your replys and advice makes me feel im not alone