View Full Version : Heart failure??

21-07-13, 16:08
For the past few days my heart has felt funny but i have managed not to check on my pulse until today and when i have it misses a beat every 5th beat i even had my partner confirm this for me. So is this dangerous??

21-07-13, 16:11
Have you read this:


21-07-13, 16:22
Hun I'm going through much the same at the moment and can really sympathise as it takes over your life. Have you had any tests? Do you feel we'll with it other than the skips? How old are you etc?

21-07-13, 16:24
Ye but i dont really know whether its the same thing like im used to palpitations where my heart beats out of my chest but this is constant and wont stop i can feel every beat and every missed beat

---------- Post added at 16:24 ---------- Previous post was at 16:23 ----------

I feel ok no temp or anything just worrying over my heart now! Its been like this for 3 days on and off but today has been the most noticeable.

21-07-13, 16:30
Mine has too and apparently I'm fine. I'm finding it difficult to believe too. Is it still happening? Did you read the link Nicola pointed out?

21-07-13, 16:36
Normally i would just ignore it but because its been going in so long and the fact i can physically feel the missed beats im scared that it will just stop. Yea i have read the link but still dosnt help

21-07-13, 16:44
Aberrent beats and PVCs often occur in a pattern. Bigeminy for example is every two beats, trigeminy every three. Every 5 beats doesn't have a name as it's simply occaisional.

21-07-13, 16:49
So do u think its fine and im worrying over nothing?? Thanks

21-07-13, 17:10
There's really no way of knowing without having your heart listened to and an ECG. I would be surprised if it was a sign of cardiac failure. Pulse abnormalities are very common in the population. This morning I felt an intermittent biphasic pulse on my mum's radial artery, which is a common sign of cardiomyopathy or aortic stenosis. However, there's a total lack of other symptoms, and she often has ECGs performed as she's diabetic and on blood pressure medication (even though her BP today was 105/68 - way better than mine!)

The only advice I can give is to see your GP, arrange to have investigations if they think it necessary, and do not worry unnecessarily in the meantime.

21-07-13, 20:38
How are you feeling now pink?

21-07-13, 21:47
Hey im feeling a little better going doctors tomoz anyway coz ive got a water infection thats not cleared for ova a week now :-( so ill mention it then but ill probably get eyes rolling at me because im being silly or summat. Ive bin under pressure with my job and my relationship at home so prob not helped x hows u? X

21-07-13, 21:54
Bless you, stress can do nasty things. Sometimes we don't realise we're worrying as well.
Me well I've come to bed so that's the time they strike. I've got a dr phone app tomorrow about my stress so I will mention it but she won't bat an eye. In fact ate refuses to discuss my palps sometimes. She said last time I went that she wasn't even going to examine me as she was certain it was just stress. Think that's what made mine worse for a while, the fact she didn't listen to my chest.

---------- Post added at 21:54 ---------- Previous post was at 21:53 ----------

Pa key us know how you get on. Make sure you mention it and they explain properly. If you're anything like me you'll kick yourself afterwards if they fob you off.
Might just be the water infection though as we'll maybe?