View Full Version : FEELING A BIT PANTS!

13-10-06, 12:08
Hi Guys & Gals,

Sorry just need to of load had a really crap shift in work. [Sigh...]

I work with students who are visually impaired some have special needs and challenging behaviour.

Anyway this morning I got hit pinched and nearly bitten several times by one girl. Plus a plate of cheese on toast thrown at me. I know she is highly autistic and has servere learning difficulties. It's just some days no matter how you try to help you get it thrown at your face literally LOL [:O]

I just feel really fed up and doubt myself as a carer sometimes.[V]

Thanks for listening.[:X]

Love & Wishes,

Pips's X X X X


Sue K with 5
13-10-06, 12:22
Hi Pips

What an amazing job you are doing. I worked as a volunteer many moons ago with children with down syndrome, and as your probably aware some special needs children tend to have behavioural issues and other underlying problems.

Dont doubt your abilities, the fact that your there and consistent in her life means your doing a grand job.

I really do admire what you do! I did the voluntary work as because i lived with three disabled people and I remember saying to myself that it takes an amazing person to do this job on a day to day basis because just volunteering used to ware me out.

I think you deserve a huge well done and dont give up this is just a bad day at the office but the rewards are huge




13-10-06, 13:02
Of course you'll be feeling pants, but I'm sure you're a very good carer. People wouldn't be carers if it weren't for the love they had to give.




And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

Ma Larkin
13-10-06, 13:05
Aw, I really feel for you, but just think of the rewards that you bring to those people. My friend works with downs syndrome, she's always getting bitten by the younger ones, but she has such a big heart she takes them out in her own personal time.

Hope your next shift is better.


13-10-06, 13:34
Thanks so much Sue for your kind words & Hugs. Wow you did really brillent to volenteer hun thats so fab!

Thanks so much for the Hugs Ray.

Thanks so much to Les your friend sounds really wonderful.

Some days things just build up and it gets me down. I often panic when I feel down as I'm scared my depression will return. I'm sure (I hope) I will be fine again soon try to think positive Pip's!

The job can bring such rewards at times especially when they achieve something no matter how small tis wonderful to see that.

Thanks again.

Love & Wishes,

Pip's X X X X


13-10-06, 14:19
Hi Pips,

You do a great job and I admire you. Hugs for you.

Take Care


13-10-06, 14:32
Ah Thanks so much Mandy hun.

Take Care,

Love Pip's X X X X


13-10-06, 14:33
Hiya hun,

Pips I worked in an infants school for 4 years, often having stints in the special needs class - this was extremely rewarding work and I love that age group but I did notice that even the teachers got weary sometimes - IT'S ALLOWED!!

Mate even as a parent no matter how much you adore you kids you get weary - it's not a reflection on you not caring, it's more about you being human and somedays being able to take what's thrown at you ;) better than on other days.

The work you do is really of the upmost importance as you make a difference in someones life everyday that you work there - can anything be more valuable (well obviously a top surgeon is rather important too [:I]:D)!!

Big hugs :):)

Piglet xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

13-10-06, 14:44
Hi darling, what a special lady you are!!! And what a wonderful rewarding job you do..You are entitled to feel a little off, it is only natural. My little nephew is special needs (downs) and I looked after him for 7/8 hours on monday whilst his mummy attend a course...well, I was so exhausted, he is an absolute angel, but I was truly in bed by 9pm (he had gone home by then of course) and that was just after one day with him. I love him to bits. Do not doubt yourself darling, you are doing just fine, trust me on that one! xxxxjean

13-10-06, 15:47
You do a fab job pips,everyone has there bad days in what ever job they are doing.It takes a good kind person to be a carer.[^]

Ellen XX

13-10-06, 18:04

never doubt yourself mate, you do a fantastic job working with visually impaired students, it isnt a job every one could do, and you should be so proud of what you do.


Trac xxx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

13-10-06, 19:24
Sorry you've had a bad day Pips. As others have said, I think you do an amazing job and I really admire how you cope with it.


Karen xx

13-10-06, 20:43

I couldn't do your job mate.

You do so well and even though you get beaten up (can you claim for injuries [:P][:P]) and you obviously enjoy it despite that.


Hope you feel better soon mate

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


13-10-06, 20:54
hi pips
got such admiration for you the job you do. it takes a special kind of person. i know i couldn't do it.
hope you feel better soon.

15-10-06, 18:05
Thanks so much Piglet, Jean, Ellen, Trac, Karen Nic & Tracey for all your really kind words and support tis so much appreciated. Your all so very kind.:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I'm feeling brighter today. [8D] I worked 12hrs yesterday and had a great day took some of the students on a steam train and a ferry and we all had a real laugh. They were all pretty much well behaved to!

At least one thing Theres never much of a dull day that's for sure! They come out and do such random silly things your never quite sure what to expect! [:I][:O]LOL

Nic not really sure whether you can claim or not. If they damaged something of yours i.e glasses/clothing or something you could. Mind you be good if I could claim on an injury I could do with a new body![8)][:I] LOL

Jean you do a really wonderful job with your nephew [^] hun he sounds a real darling.

Oh Piglet the people who make Pringles have a pretty important job to wouldn't you say hey hun! ;)[Yeah!]

Thanks again all,;)

Take Care,

Love & Hugs,[:X]

Pip's X X X X


15-10-06, 18:29
It gets to us all at times. I'm married with 5 sons 13, 12, 10, 4 and 22 months. The oldest 2 are autistic so thats 13 1/2 years of 24/7! If you hear people get respite care, forget it in our case. But we have got ours into mainstream school and to the tops of their years in every major subject. We also know the majority of parents with autistic children have achieved almost NOTHING.
It's great that there are people like you out there to care for autistic children, when the parents don't. Please stick at it and remember they can achieve more than average children given the right help. I look at non special needs children and wonder why the parents are happy for them to waste their lives/ education!?

Love to all members

15-10-06, 21:14
please remember autisic children arnt all high functioning,

my son has autism and is low functioning, he is struggling in every area of his life and its difficult for all of us, it leaves him feeling alienated and the support just isnt there for him (he is in mainstream schooling with a SNA).......
When he was diagnosed with autism when he was 5 years old, the specialist said to me, it is the saddest condition..
which i replied, "it could be worse, he isnt in a wheelchair"
she replied "people in wheelchairs have doors opened for them, people with autism have no allowances made for them.

I now know this is true, we are still waiting for support 7 years later.

Our weekends are very stressfull with him but at the same time hes a lovely boy.


15-10-06, 21:46
Hi Pips, as you know Im in a very similar job and have had my own son too with severe visual impairment and special needs.
I have done the job for 17years and I now feel I get paid for pursuing my hobby, I absolutely love it and adore the children, without my work, and the pleasure of these little sweeties this last 8 months my life would not have been worth living.It is the only thing I would leave the house for each day.
It is very rewarding but can also be tiring but I am 100% certain you are doing a super job,when Im not at work, i spend a lot of time with my 10yr old downs nephew, a busmans holiday.:Dif I can be of any help or support Pips just pm me, it is always better after a vent,take care.xxx


16-10-06, 07:45
hi pips
late replying as usual!!! lol
oh big hugs for you ... i totally understand what you are saying
i had a bad day last week at work i mean (as you know i work in a resadential place for young adults with severe learning disabilities etc)
like you say most days you just take it all in your stride and the rewards are tremendous but occasionally it gets to you ... i think that means that we are definately human...
i wanted to walk out and give up it got so bad, one young student was shouting abuse all day 9am till 4pm i never wanted to go back... but hey it was just a bad day i got up and went back in the next day and hey guess what i still enjoy it... but i know what you are saying about bad times/sress make you panic and that is what has happened to me but i am NOT giving up im sure i got this job for a reason.
ohhhhhhhh havnt i waffled i only wanted to say thinking of you
you take care and if you ever want to text/ring after a day like that you know where i am
take rach

16-10-06, 10:53
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">
Oh Piglet the people who make Pringles have a pretty important job to wouldn't you say hey hun! ;)[Yeah!]

Love & Hugs,[:X]

Pip's X X X X


<div align="right">Originally posted by pips - 15 October 2006 : 18:05:21</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">


Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

17-10-06, 00:03
Thanks So much for your replies.

Mirry. Sorry to hear about your Son. I have worked in care with special needs plus autistic kids and adults for 13 years now and understand that it is such a lonley world for them. It's terrible you don't get the support. I hope you do get some. The girl I work with at times is low fuctioning to. Tis very difficult on both sides.

Alexis - Thanks sweetie You do a great job. Sorry to hear about your son I didn't realise hun. Thanks again for your support the same goes for you if you need me.

Thanks Rach mate. You have had a few bad days to hey! So Sorry to hear that. It's so good your not giving up though. Please feel free to off load to me to anytime hun!

I think I'm feeling worse at the minute as staff morale is so very low as we are so very short staffed. Even though they have advertised no one seems to want the job as the hours are earlys late's sleep-ins weekends etc.... Plus we are getting more one to one students.

Thanks again all,

Love & Wishes.

Pip's X X X X


17-10-06, 00:09
Thanks Paul,

Gosh you have got your hands full! Sorry to hear your 2 sons are autistic. I'm so pleased they are doing so well in Mainstream school though that's great.

Thanks again,

Take Care,

Pip's X
