View Full Version : Who here has never taken meds?

21-07-13, 19:21
I have never been on meds, despite suffering with anxiety all my life. I've been offered anti depressants but didn't want to take them.

I have noticed that the majority of users on here seem to be on some sort of med.

Just thought I would throw the question out there!

21-07-13, 19:29
ive had gad for 9yrs now and never took meds

21-07-13, 19:30
Is it because you have HA?

21-07-13, 19:43
Never had til a month ago. 52 years of coping. I wouldn't recommend waiting quite so long, personally! ;)

21-07-13, 20:10
I just don't agree with them. Everybody is different. It isn't because of my HA, I just use natural products and CBT/counselling instead.
I believe medication just temporarily pushes the problem away, covering it up and hiding it. Then once you come off them or try to, it comes back with a vengeance in most cases and then you're back to square one again.
Just my opinion.

I also get along ok without them the majority of the time. Have managed to get on a plane, take my driving test, do interviews with nothing but KALMS or Bachs rescue remedy.

21-07-13, 20:23
You are very lucky you have managed to cope using these methods, for the majority medication is the life safer that helps us in desperate times yes it masks things but some of us would not survive without medication :)

21-07-13, 20:27
I have never been on meds, despite suffering with anxiety all my life. I've been offered anti depressants but didn't want to take them.

I have noticed that the majority of users on here seem to be on some sort of med.

Just thought I would throw the question out there!

I think that this has been debated a lot on NMP. I think that it is very commendable of you to manage without medication. I also think that it depends a lot on your diagnosis and how ill/desperate the situation has become. Most people take meds for a short time only. I have been ill with severe recurrent depression - suicidal depression and severe mood swings since I was fifteen. Whole chunks of my life have been lost. In order to have any quality of life I am on lithium and mirtazapine. I have had periods without meds and then the illness comes back- always. I wish you well. EJ

21-07-13, 20:29
I haven't taken any meds and I've had anxiety for about 7 years now. I haven't taken any because I want to be healthy and natural, also my health anxiety in the past made it impossible. For me, the anxiety has gotten worse over time to the point I don't go out, I no longer have friends, independence of a life. I'm so scared of meds but I'm trying to talk myself round to the idea as I'm sick of living like this, nothing so far has helped. I'm starting to think why should you put up with it and struggle forever if there is something like medication that has the potential to enable you to live happily and normal again. If I weren't so scared with the health side of things I'm sure I'd of taken them already.

21-07-13, 20:32
I think that this has been debated a lot on NMP. I think that it is very commendable of you to manage without medication. I also think that it depends a lot on your diagnosis and how ill/desperate the situation has become. Most people take meds for a short time only. I have been ill with severe recurrent depression - suicidal depression and severe mood swings since I was fifteen. Whole chunks of my life have been lost. In order to have any quality of life I am on lithium and mirtazapine. I have had periods without meds and then the illness comes back- always. I wish you well. EJ

Mine is mainly anxiety based, also OCD with a little depression thrown in. I can still function day to day although it is difficult, I just try to use every other method before medication.
If I got to the point where I couldn't leave the house or was a harm to myself I probably would have o consider it.

21-07-13, 20:50
I just don't agree with them. Everybody is different. It isn't because of my HA, I just use natural products and CBT/counselling instead.
I believe medication just temporarily pushes the problem away, covering it up and hiding it. Then once you come off them or try to, it comes back with a vengeance in most cases and then you're back to square one again.
Just my opinion.

I also get along ok without them the majority of the time. Have managed to get on a plane, take my driving test, do interviews with nothing but KALMS or Bachs rescue remedy.

I see, I was just curious as I know there are people on this forum who don't take meds because they're concerned about suffering a bad reaction etc. I'm also interested in understanding how people manage to cope without medication. :)

I know what you mean about the anxiety coming back once someone finishes their meds, as that's exactly what's happened to me, and I had to go back on them again. I guess it depends how much the anxiety impacts your day to day life. For me, it was really affecting my quality of life, so that's why I decided to use meds in conjunction with CBT and self help methods. I also use Rescue Remedy sometimes as well.

I think the reason why there are so many people on this forum who are on meds is because many people sign up to post in one of the medication sub-forums. I remember I found this forum when I was searching for people's experiences of citalopram, and I liked the forum so much I decided to stay! :)

21-07-13, 21:01
I don't take them myself, I tried half a tablet and knew instinctively I was doing the wrong thing. Different for everyone though, I've never taken pills in my life really so maybe it's how I'm brought up.

21-07-13, 22:38
I've never taken medication either even when my agoraphobia was at its worse but everyone has their own methods x

22-07-13, 15:39
I don't take them myself, I tried half a tablet and knew instinctively I was doing the wrong thing. Different for everyone though, I've never taken pills in my life really so maybe it's how I'm brought up.

I've never taken medication either even when my agoraphobia was at its worse but everyone has their own methods x

Just wondering how you guys (and everyone else) cope with your worries etc without taking the meds? My anxiety has stopped me from having a life completely?

22-07-13, 15:59
Just wondering how you guys (and everyone else) cope with your worries etc without taking the meds? My anxiety has stopped me from having a life completely?

Mind over matter.
CBT counselling, psychotherapy. Changing your behaviour and patterns of thinking.

I use a lot of herbal supplements too.

Daisy Sue
22-07-13, 16:18
I've never taken meds for anxiety either, unless you count the very occasional diazepam which I use for getting to sleep if I go more than 3 nights with no sleep..

I got through my worst phase of panic/anxiety with my CBT counsellor who was absolutely wonderful, and since then I've used his techniques and wise words when I've needed.

22-07-13, 16:44
I did mind over matter all my life. All I can say is, although it is perfectly possible, even I came to a breaking point. And there is a balance between the potential side effects of a drug, and the side effects of living awash with adrenaline. Each to their own, eh? Certainly anyboody who, like me, has managed for a long time drug-free, I would just say, it is NOT a failure to reach a point where you take a drug to help. It isn't quite true that we don#t need them - I need my seratonin levels rebalancing. A friend of mine simply doesn't produce enough seratonin. At which point it's more like a dietary supplement, IMHO.

22-07-13, 23:14
Just wondering how you guys (and everyone else) cope with your worries etc without taking the meds? My anxiety has stopped me from having a life completely?

I learnt as much as I could about panic attacks an agoraphobia read self help books bought a relaxation cd that I would listen to my iPod worked wonders when out an about it helped to concentrate on the music you will get their don't accept it fight it xxx

23-07-13, 17:30
Hi GirlAfraid, I have never taken meds, despite struggling for the best part of the past 3 years. I am so scared of taking them in case it makes my anxiety/panic attacks worse. I was getting really much better until last month, I was away for the weekend and had a massive panic attack. :weep: it really knocked me for six and I had 3 more, one just as bad, the others smaller. I asked my doctor for a echocardiogram and I was terrified of having it come back as something was wrong with my heart. I got back the results this morning and my heart is fine :yesyes: yet when I went out shopping this afternoon I had the familiar sensation of shortness of breath, feeling my throat tighten, feeling like I was going to have a panic attack. I didn't thank God but its just so frustrating. sometimes I just am really tempted to take the anti anxiety meds, but im afraid, I just feel so frustrated and disappointed with it still going on, I have really changed my lifestyle, my diet etc and to still be struggling with this is annoying and demoralising

23-07-13, 21:47
Just wondering how you guys (and everyone else) cope with your worries etc without taking the meds? My anxiety has stopped me from having a life completely?

Couldn't answer that completely in one post, but I think if meds aren't an option in your mind, the net best thing is. If there was something better than meds, you may be saying "how do you people who are only on medication manage". Anxiety can only do what it lets you do, it is actually possible to carry on as normal with anxiety if you don't let it convince you otherwise. Read the link "nothing works" in my signiture.

24-07-13, 03:57
Never taken meds, when I had my original flare up I was offered Valium at the time I was giving up a heavy weed habit and thought I don't want to dope myself up on some other drug. That and I'm averse to pills anyway.

24-07-13, 04:16
i don't use them

25-07-13, 13:06
I never have and I'm reluctant to. It's not the solution for me, although I have friends who are taking medication and it works well for them.
I have coped with this for 30 years, and developed a 'front' so that no one knows what is going on beneath the surface. I keep myself very, very busy so I don't have time to think and I 'bulldoze' through despite my anxiety. I can't say it's easy and it may not be the best method, but it's the only one I currently have. It kills me inside, but at least I have a semblance of normality.

25-07-13, 15:25
I've tried 11 different medications over 17 years.

I was drug phobic and reluctant to take any to start with but after being on so many, with only one drug being partially effective, I have overcome that phobia :blush:.

Medication is a sticking plaster and will not deal with the cause or help you solve the root of your anxiety or depression. I have been told that the risks outweigh the benefits of antidepressants for me and the psych will not prescribe any more, however if I could take a pill to take away the suffering I'd accept that sticking plaster tomorrow.

I admire everyone with anxiety and depression, whether taking medication or not, it takes guts to take the meds or not take them. Medication may help but at the end of the day we all have to work at staying well and that's why a forum like this is so helpful

25-07-13, 16:19
I've got a fear of taking meds it's all those warnings and adverse reactions that come in the pill boxes.

So I've never taken meds