View Full Version : Slight Scare

21-07-13, 20:40
I suffer relatively bad Health Anxiety as long as I have some kind of symptom that is physically there. So recently I've been getting a dull throbbing pain in my trap muscles either side of my neck, it some times goes into the back of my skull just at the top of the spine, it's not an excruciating pain but it does cause me concern, (tumors etc) I haven't had it checked, but I'm beginning to make myself hyper sensitive with it, if something catches my eye I'll assume I'm having visual disturbances etc.

My mother is a long time anxiety sufferer, and she told me it's stress and anxiety, or even how I sit in my chair and look at the computer screen, it's almost like a trapped nerve. Anyone feel anything similar?


21-07-13, 20:56
I would recommend getting some exercise, especially weight training. I have a problem with my left shoulder when I panic (or sometimes when I don't) where the trapezius on that side contracts violently as in a convulsion.

21-07-13, 23:15
I would recommend getting some exercise, especially weight training. I have a problem with my left shoulder when I panic (or sometimes when I don't) where the trapezius on that side contracts violently as in a convulsion.

Hmm, It sort of aches from the shoulder into the trap and then into the neck

Daisy Sue
21-07-13, 23:58
I think our neck muscles are one of the first areas to noticeably cause us pain when we're tense, and it can go into headaches too..

Try some gentle exercises, just relaxing and turning your head from side to side, and lifting one shoulder up then the other, a couple of times a day.. & see if someone can give you a neck massage regularly.

22-07-13, 10:13
My neck has been dreadful lately, I have stopped myself posting about it several times. I have an irrational fear that all the cracking noises are bits of bone severing the artery (I know! That's why I didn't post it!). If I get a jolt (eg missing a step) I get a truly weird sensation, which I now realise is because the worry sends me into a minor panic attack, which before I have always interpreted as disrupted blood flow to the brain... D'oh!

My neck and back have been cracking since I was about 10 years old, so although it may indicate wear and tear now, I really think I shall be okay. (As long as I don't google those stories of women in their fifties who've had strokes at the hairdresser's... :huh::D:ohmy: )