View Full Version : Depression & Anxiety?! Thanks brain!

21-07-13, 22:05
Very paranoid I'm sinking into depression again, on top of GAD. I had depression for a long time before developing GAD, at which point I thought, well the depression seems to have faded at least, now to deal with this! Sometimes I think I'd rather still be depressed over GAD.. Anyway now, I'm scared that I've got both. Obviously it could just be a few down weeks because of feeling more anxious.. or maybe I've got them both. Or maybe I'm getting anxious and paranoid? I'm feeling very worried and confused. It feels too hard to fight both of, specially as it's getting nearer to bed time and I'll be stuck alone with it. I just want a way out..

21-07-13, 22:30
I am struggling with both but am hopeful they are fading. My hubby thinks I am getting better and though I don't always feel like I am, I keep trying to be positive!!! I was off work for 2 weeks on holidays but start back tomorrow and am trying to go to bed on a positive note so I will wake up in a more positive mood......we WILL SURVIVE xxx