View Full Version : Could someone please read my sons bone scan report and give opinion

21-07-13, 22:18
Technique: Three phase bone scan of the feet and ankles
There is no significant hyperemia
The lump on the left side corresponds to an area of dystrophic calcification arising from the distal fibula. This appears benign, and likely represents direct trama, or perhaps a tug leasion at a membranous attachment.There are no signs of destructive bone leasions. The remainder of the visualized bones is intact.
Opinion: probable post tramatic changes to the distal left fibular metaphysis.
no other bone lesions are suspected
If there is not resolution in a reasonable amount of time MRI imaging might add further characterization.

Does this sound like if they are saying to have a MRI that they might be missing something with the bone scan?? I am still worried its a cancer. I know you guys arnt doctors but your opinions matter.

21-07-13, 22:31
Like you say we aren't docs, but I read that as, if there is not improvement in certain amount of time, then an MRI may be next option for more exploring

21-07-13, 22:34
It sounds more to me that the lesions are sprains and like stormsky said they may do a MRI to explore this more but I really don't think that cancer would be a concern here at all.

21-07-13, 22:35
you are right, we aren't drs so honestly I do not know what sort of replies you are after we can not reassure you because hardly any of us would know what the medical scans show and we would only be guessing.

you need to trust your drs I know it hard for you but they are the ones who can help you and NOT the members of NMP.

opinions are opinions but Drs have the facts and the medical knowledge.

Please read here - http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=114732

22-07-13, 11:47
I can tell you what it says in layman's terms if that's what you mean?

Findings: The blood flow to the site is only slightly raised (to be expected).

There's been some damage to the lower end of the fibula (in the calf) where the membrane attatched to the bone, probably due to injury but not abnormal growth. There's no sign of anything which will continue damaging the area or breaking down the bone.

Opinion: There's been an injury to the lower part of the bone shaft. If it doesn't get better in the near future they might have to use an MRI to see more clearly if anything needs to be done to speed up recovery.