View Full Version : Burping, GERD(?), and nausea.

21-07-13, 22:53
Embarrassing question, but I am almost constantly burping.. They're not your typical burps either. They are very tiny and need forcing most of the time to pass them. Sometimes, it sounds like I am trying to retch! It's scary because I have a phobia of vomiting (emetophobia).. :weep:

Those vomit tasting burps are the absolute worst. They don't bother me much anymore because I know that I have never been sick because of it, but I remember the first time it happened last year in August and I had a panic attack... :glare: I also get the feeling of food/drink coming back up, but ends up being a burp instead. It really does feel like food/drink lingering about in the back of my throat, though. It seems like my food/drink doesn't get digested for ages, and keeps coming up.

Don't get me started on how bad my nausea gets..

I have been to several doctors over this issue, and I am currently been seen at the hospital. However, they are not performing any tests.. I was supposed to have an endoscopy in May this year but all I saw was a specialist instead and told me that I may have a hiatus hernia. I've got to go back in September for a check-up and I'm going to tell them that it's gotten worse but I doubt they'll perform the endoscopy because to them, I am too young to have anything 'wrong' with me! I'm nearly 19, by the way.

I've tried countless PPI's/Acid reducers and nothing has worked. I have tried modifying my diet, and it is still the same.

I'm really scared because aren't these typical symptoms of esophageal/stomach cancer?! I am so frightened right now! :(

21-07-13, 23:06
Well that may be the case, but they are also symptoms of hiatus hernia, so I'd let the doctors investigate that first! Also, when I am particularly anxious, I swallow more air with my panicky breathing, and I can get in a cycle of needing to burp. That becomes a vicious circle. I wonder if you are doing that as well and compounding the problem?

Daisy Sue
22-07-13, 00:05
What's your diet like? Do you have lots of acidy things like fruit juice/fresh fruit, or curries, fried food? And alcohol? All these foods/drinks can cause stomach and esophageal upset, which can cause acid reflux and make you feel similar to how you're feeling. Also skipping meals can do it, or too much black coffee, and eating/swallowing food too quickly... I'd look at possible culprits like this first of all, so you can try and change any bad habits which might be causing or worsening things.

22-07-13, 15:55
My diet is pretty bad.. I don't know what stuff to eat, though.. And when I do try sticking to a healthy diet, I always end up scrapping it after the first week because healthy foods just taste bad.. I'm very picky with what I eat since I have emet (sickness phobia). I don't drink any alcohol or smoke though.

I have a very bad habit of eating WAY too quickly and I don't chew all that great either. I've tried chewing properly and eating slower but it's still there. I'm guessing the damage is already done now. :shrug:

It's not that bad today, thankfully, but still irritating.

Daisy Sue
22-07-13, 16:15
I know it sounds weird but stomachs & bowels are my specialist subject :D not by choice, just by experience...

It's not too late, honestly.. an irritated stomach, or any part of the digestive tract in fact, can be calmed down with the right treatment. I'd suggest you go onto what they call a low residue diet for a few days, gentle food like pasta, mashed potato, rice, bread... & keep off anything spicy or acidic. And try to slow down your eating - gulping food down causes you to swallow lots of air and also the food won't be chewed properly so it can upset your tum.

Maybe make a list of foods that won't trigger your emet, and which you'd class as gentle, and stay on those for a little while, and introduce normal food bit by bit after that.

Hope that helps, and I hope your symptoms calm down soon :)

23-07-13, 00:32
Thank you, Daisy. :D

I have had an OK day today, but it's starting to get worse again now. Have bad nausea and burping, as always. The heat in the UK at the moment is not helping either! :( I'm really anxious at the moment, and don't know why.

I really can't wait to go back to the specialist at the hospital. Digestive issues do run in my family, unfortunately. My Dad has GERD, IBS, and a weakened LES.

23-07-13, 00:46
I suffer from burping a lot, so much that it caused a pain that lasted a week in the middle of my chest. Got prescribed Ranitidine and Domperidone which has eased it. To see him next month and has suggested endoscopy saying it could be hiatus hernia.

31-07-13, 01:55
That sounds a lot like GERD to me. I have GERD and I also have the unpleasant "need to burp" feeling accompanied by lots of nausea. I'm also very afraid of vomiting, so I get really anxious when I start to feel like this. I usually take a gravol (dramamine in the states) and a xanax when it gets too bad-they at least calm me down and help the nausea a bit. I found that PPIs help me a bit, but they haven't cured it. I too am waiting to see a specialist.

31-07-13, 07:21
Not being funny, but if you have a computer you can access all the dietary information you need Hon. xx

03-08-13, 07:39
I never look online for anything like that.. I'd rather see a professional in my area than look online.

---------- Post added at 07:39 ---------- Previous post was at 07:38 ----------

Flori, my specialist also said I may have a Hiatus Hernia, but has not referred me to have the endoscopy done. :( Hmmm..

29-01-16, 19:00
Flori, my specialist also said I may have a Hiatus Hernia, but has not referred me to have the endoscopy done. :( Hmmm..

I have this burping thing like you as well. Was it down to you having a hernia? Is that the thing that sticks out of your side if you pull a muscle?

I don't think I have a hernia and I don't drink fruit juice either so why can't I stop burping?