View Full Version : Is this panic/anxiety

13-10-06, 13:58
I keep swallowing alot which is making me feel sick, bloated and burp alot, is this symptoms of panic/anxiety?


13-10-06, 14:03
I've read that can be a sympton- I haven't experienced it but I remember it was to do with the thought that you weren't get enough air. It could also be like a nervous twitch- like others play with their hair or hands.

I expect the more you think about it the more you do it so try not to worry about it- I doubt it does any harm- other than embarassing you with constant burping!

Hope that helps!

13-10-06, 14:48
Hi there, sounds like anxiety to me mate. I remember a lovely lady here used to recommend sipping tonic water? Hope I am right in saying that? Check some of the old posts here, maybe that will help. Try not to feel scared it won't hurt you and once you ignore it (if only?) it will ease. take care. xx

13-10-06, 15:07
Hi sound like anxiety to me.Are you on any meds.Sometimes these can give you a dry mouth or produce more saliva.;)

Ellen XX

13-10-06, 15:14

Yes i get that its a nervous reaction. And because you are swallowing air it then makes you feel bloated. When i find myself doing it i will suck on a sweet or chew gum as this will produde salivia plus you wont swallow air.

Take care.



14-10-06, 16:46
I get this all the time and never knew what it was. I got really scared it was something serious. I am so glad to be on this board!

I am so glad to have someone to talk to who goes through the same thigns I do.

17-10-06, 17:20
Carlin is right, sipping tonic water or a fizzy drink is the best thing to get the air moving. The lovely lady who suggested this was Meg. Give it a try, it does work. I swallow air all the time without realising and it can become really painful
