View Full Version : Okay, im worried...

22-07-13, 00:14
I have had chronic hives for about 6 weeks now, and after reading up on mr google ( i know i shouldn't...) i'm really scared about my throat swelling up.

Apparently around 50% of cases of chronic hives are accompanied with facial swelling/throat swelling, which leads me back to thinking that it's going to kill me!

Ugh, i just don't know what to do to reassure myself, i go on holiday in 5 days, what if my throat swells while i'm there? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, i just can't convince myself to think positively...:weep:

Daisy Sue
22-07-13, 00:17
Have you seen a doctor or pharmacist & tried any meds for it? I think I'd be straight on an antihistamine, if it were me. Any idea what caused it to begin with?

22-07-13, 00:28
Have you seen a doctor or pharmacist & tried any meds for it? I think I'd be straight on an antihistamine, if it were me. Any idea what caused it to begin with?
I have tried antihistimes and steroids, the steroids almost got rid of them completely but after the packet finished they came back a couple of days later. (the steroids made me bruise very badly though!) They are not as wide spread anymore, but are bigger.

No idea as of yet the cause, but the doctor said to me it probably wasn't a food allergy, went for blood tests last monday but haven't heard anything since.

Although the facial swelling is common alongside, i'd like to think the throat swelling is rarer...lol

Daisy Sue
22-07-13, 00:31
:( you poor thing.. I've had prickly heat on my arms for the past week, and that's bad enough!

I'd still say give the antihistamines another go, and maybe stay on them daily until the hives clear up.. at least they'll give you some protection against further histamine reaction. Maybe the warm weather has made things worse, & the hives more stubborn to subside.

Good luck! & try not to worry.

22-07-13, 00:39
:( you poor thing.. I've had prickly heat on my arms for the past week, and that's bad enough!

I'd still say give the antihistamines another go, and maybe stay on them daily until the hives clear up.. at least they'll give you some protection against further histamine reaction. Maybe the warm weather has made things worse, & the hives more stubborn to subside.

Good luck! & try not to worry.
Well, i have seen the doctor a couple of times and they have yet to have expressed their worry in regards to swelling etc, so hopefully that means i shouldn't worry either :P

22-07-13, 09:54
My daughter had this for a long time, it was never explained despite numerous tests. We were distracted by her other huge health issues, and finally realised it had gone one day, seemingly after a huge general anaesthetic.

We are 'fearfully and wonderfully made... We just don't get answers to everything. I think you will be fine, but I can appreciate your concerns, x

22-07-13, 10:01
I may be wrong but the swelling is usually come thing that would happen at the outset, not weeks later?

I had a very nasty allergic reaction to a virus I had a few months ago and my skin would swell if scratched or any make up or even water touched it. I took anti histamine for a few weeks and the dr said that sometimes people stop taking them thinking its gone for then to come back again. Which is what happened to me.
In total it was a couple of months before my skin completely recovered and I got myself into a right state of anxiety over it which fed the immune response and kept it going.

My dr also perceived me ranitidine which is a stronger histamine blocker. Maybe go back to the dr and see if they can give you sobering else? I was taking that and anti histamine at the same time. I was taking three anti histamine a day which the dr assured me was safe as u was dressing about overdoses.

22-07-13, 12:03
Localised reactions are mediated by a type of white blood cell called mast cells and produces histamine. If your throat didn't swell up at first, it is very unlikely to now as it is localised not a general hypersensitive reaction.