View Full Version : Scan tomorrow

22-07-13, 00:20
Hey guys, How are you all doing?.

I'm posting today because I'm having a scan tomorrow (well today really as it's past 12:00AM). I'm honestly not sure what kind of scan it is, but I'd assume it's an MRI or CT, as it's of my head. I was referred a few weeks ago by an ophthalmologist as I have something behind one of my eyes (which I've had for years) and he wants to see what it is, as I've never been told.

I'm terrified of what my results will be as lately the dizzy spells I occasionally get have been getting worse. They used to come only when I stood up sometimes, now they come even when I'm sitting and usually last for a few seconds and it can happen a few times a day now.

I'm so worried that I'll end up being diagnosed with a brain tumor or something. The Ophthalmologist doesn't think it's anything serious but that doesn't stop me from worrying.


22-07-13, 09:54
Dizziness is a very common problem that can be caused by all sorts of things. Don't worry about it, listen to your opthalmologist and let us know how it goes.

22-07-13, 10:08
The Opthalmologist would have a really good idea of it already if it was a tumour. They diagnose loads.

22-07-13, 10:35
try not to worry yourself there could be all manner of things which could cause this, if it were a tumour and you have had it some time it would just be benign anyway so try not to get to panicy blessings

22-07-13, 15:16
Hey, thanks for the replies.

My appointment isn't until later on this evening so I've yet to leave the house. You are all probably correct and I more than likely do not have a brain tumour, my anxiety is just driving me up the wall at the moment.

I'll give you all an update either later on today or tomorrow sometime.

23-07-13, 01:13
Good luck Aimee

25-07-13, 23:07
Sorry Guys, I completely forgot to update.

Well the lady who done my scan said that it all looked normal and doesn't think I have anything to worry about but she will pass it onto one of her colleagues to have another look and they will give me the full results on my appointment in October with my Ophthalmologist. Quite a time to wait, but if it was anything serious I'm sure they would have given me a follow up appointment much sooner.

25-07-13, 23:16
They know what they're looking for, they do it all the time..so if she said it looks normal, then stop worrying