View Full Version : Perfectionism.....

22-07-13, 12:15
Afternoon all :)

I've started to realise that everything I do, everything I feel has to be perfect. It's suddenly dawned on me from over thinking this weekend (another one of my lovely traits!!) I constantly have know others opinions of me, to make sure they like me, to make sure I haven't annoyed them. I must be the perfect person in the eyes of my family, if I know I've done something that makes me not perfect then I will obsess about it for days/weeks, feeling guilty, feeling paranoid....the thoughts of "what will they think of me now". I get panic attacks from it too :(

It's the same with potential partners, ill think they are great etc but then if little things aren't perfect then I will run, make up that something else isn't right, it can be their eyes, their hair, their teeth....stupid things.

God I need help! Sorry but I had to get it out of my head otherwise it would just go round & round!

HB xx

22-07-13, 12:21
Pretty common I'd say. I have a double whammy - that personality plus (if you're into it) almost my whole astrological chart in Virgo! Luckily I don't believe in predestination. But it does make you think... ;)

22-07-13, 12:31
I'm a Sagittarius so I'm not too sure if its in my nature!

It is just my brain is in overdrive & I cannot seem to stop it!!

22-07-13, 12:50
You and everyone else here... that's a lot of people! x

22-07-13, 13:14
Pretty common I'd say. I have a double whammy - that personality plus (if you're into it) almost my whole astrological chart in Virgo! Luckily I don't believe in predestination. But it does make you think... ;)

:roflmao: I had to laugh Speranza, that is me to a tee, typical Virgo perfectionist :yesyes: My doctor says I am a 'control freak' (ha ha!!) in that I have to be in control of everything around me and the anxiety has taken that away from me to a point.

I am sure many here will relate to this post! Kitti :)

22-07-13, 15:23
My doctor says I am a 'control freak' (ha ha!!) in that I have to be in control of everything around me and the anxiety has taken that away from me to a point.

I am sure many here will relate to this post! Kitti :)

Too true Kitti - I could put most of my issues down to things I can't control. Though come to think if it, it would be a scary world if I could control everything!

Pip x

22-07-13, 20:07
Perfectionism is caused by fear. I could write an essay on how much I hate being a perfectionist, but it would end up with me simply doing what I used to do with anxiety and calling it a bitch, and I'd hate to be so immature again... because I'm a perfectionist. :zipit: