View Full Version : Unbelievable morning!!!!!

22-07-13, 12:31
Hi everyone,

I have been so much better since starting Amitriptyline a few weeks ago. My armpit, chest and neck pain has def reduced. I was prescribed Amit by my GP for neuropathic pain while we waited.for my neurologist appt to come through. As well as my pain being less, my anxiety levels have also been down.

But this morning, I got huge head rush, prickly feeling round my hairline and burning sensation up back of neck and head. Immediately my pulse shot to 120, sweats and sharp chest pain.

Now I am back to.where I was a few weeks ago. Panicky, checking pulse, feeling light headed and thinking I am.going to.die.

Why does one episode completely destroy weeks of feeling ok?

I utterly hate this illness.

22-07-13, 12:34
If it helps, every single time I have a panic attack I assume it's something else and I'm going to die. Really sucks to be honest:weep:

22-07-13, 12:38
Hi Joel, what gets me is why today? I have been getting on better. Was just sat watching tv so no trigger that I can think of.

I feel ok now. Pulse back to normal, but the butterflies are back now. I hope it was just a panic attack!!

Thanks for replying.

22-07-13, 12:42
You and me both there. They come out of the blue, and I often just think 'why me?' It's a horrible thing to live with because it can be so unpredictable.

22-07-13, 12:50
If it helps, every single time I have a panic attack I assume it's something else and I'm going to die. Really sucks to be honest:weep:

You? a panic attack? you seem so calm...

22-07-13, 12:52
Yeah even my doctors are surprised when they see I have a panic disorder. I only actually worrry while having an attack :huh:
Last time I saw the opthalmologist she thought I was joking - told me I'm far to laid back and rational:roflmao:

22-07-13, 12:53
But he's on here isn't he... ;)

I'm having to break it to friends really gently that I am on Prozac. Nobody can believe it. If they knew how much paddling I do under the surface...

22-07-13, 12:55
But he's on here isn't he... ;)

I'm having to break it to friends really gently that I am on Prozac. Nobody can believe it. If they knew how much paddling I do under the surface...
Same here, most of the time people see laughy, jokey, relaxed Joel and few people have seen me have a panic attack other than family and very close friends. I suppose it's because I don't suffer with GAD but only panic disorder, so I don't worry very much about other things.

22-07-13, 12:59
I do worry, but I have become so good at self-talk through the last (ahem) 5 decades that I can worry, sort it in my head and carry on. But if I am stressed and a sudden noise freaks me out, I think people think I am joking. They can't see the internal hot shower through the veins, or hear my thudding heart or know the utter terror in my mind. They think because I'm good in a crisis (unfailingly, I'd say) and make them laugh, I can't possibly ever need anything myself. In a funny way I am glad of the chance to say to people, "See? I have meds too - it's okay!"

Fun, isn't it? :)

22-07-13, 13:03

Do you know what is behind your panic disorder? You are a godsend on a forum like this because not only are you a sufferer, but you also have a lot of medical knowledge that we don't.

I am 95% convinced I am suffering from anxiety, but each panic episode erodes that confidence. Will prob take me a couple of weeks after this morning to get back to where I was.

22-07-13, 13:04
Fun, isn't it? :)
At least we can confidently say our lives are not boring :D

22-07-13, 13:12
what do you get out of this board joel?

22-07-13, 13:16
Chance to help people, share my own experiences, let people know there is a light at the end of the tunnel no matter how difficult it is. I'm far better than I used to be - when I first joined here I was a wreck. Just like helping others really.

22-07-13, 13:21
That's a strange question Darren. Joel obviously gets what we all do on some level. Sometimes just realising you are not going through this alone can be a great help. Like Speranza and Joel most people would find it hard to believe that I am a sufferer. My close friends know and my hubby is fantastic when this strikes - and Charlie, just like you and others on here I have absolutely no idea why I can be feeling so good and then wham, out of the blue comes the attack. However, despite having support I still find that this site helps give me perspective and I find Joels comments to others very helpful.
Darren I know you are going through a really bad time at the moment and I do wish you well and hope you find some answers soon but in the meantime people on here will continue to give you support.

22-07-13, 13:25
Well- it is much appreciated Joel x::hugs:
Sorry youve had a bad morning Charlie- panic attacks are like that- they can creep up on you unaware! It is horrrible.- you have been doing really well - try to think of it as a "blip" x
I am stll waiting my results from nerve test on my arm- it still feels odd - it seems shaky but only holding it in certain positins or putting weight on it. It is causing me a lot of anxiety still.

I have gone from 50 o 100 of sertraline. I now get a weird "tingle" in my back.

Trouble is te side effects can be numbness tingling, shakiness- so its hard to know .

anyway, best wishes, hope you feel better than you did earlier x

22-07-13, 13:37
Hi ccat,

I have been following your progress on various threads. Hopefully you are now getting closer to a diagnosis that puts your mind at ease. My neuro appt is still a few weeks away- just hope I get a formal diagnosis and treatment plan soon.

Yes, feeling a lot calmer now thanks. Xx

22-07-13, 14:55
That's a strange question Darren. Joel obviously gets what we all do on some level. Sometimes just realising you are not going through this alone can be a great help. Like Speranza and Joel most people would find it hard to believe that I am a sufferer. My close friends know and my hubby is fantastic when this strikes - and Charlie, just like you and others on here I have absolutely no idea why I can be feeling so good and then wham, out of the blue comes the attack. However, despite having support I still find that this site helps give me perspective and I find Joels comments to others very helpful.
Darren I know you are going through a really bad time at the moment and I do wish you well and hope you find some answers soon but in the meantime people on here will continue to give you support.

thanks :)

22-07-13, 15:30
You're welcome!
I have been watching your posts and I really feel for you. I understand how easy it is to let something like this take control and can only echo some of the good advice you've been given here. I also understand how hard it is to be rational and take that advice on board. I know I don't know you but I'm rooting for you. I have your appointment date of August 14th in the back of my mind!
Take care x

22-07-13, 15:44
Sorry to hear you've had a setback, CharlieM. Panic attacks come out of the blue sometimes, and that can make them very hard for people to accept as anxiety. As someone studying to eventually be a psychologist (ironic I know; i started studying long before I developed anxiety issues), I think panic attacks are wrongly named. In fact attacks that come out of the blue can be included as one of the diagnostic criteria for panic disorder. The attacks cause panic but, as everyone here knows, are not always brought on by panic.

The link between emotions and the nervous system is complicated. Once the sympathetic nervous system becomes overstimulated or over-sensitized, it doesn't seem to calm down very easily. Anxiety will make symptoms worse and more frequent, but no proper psychologist will claim that being calm will mean you'll never have another attack. Treatment instead tries to get people to not fear the attacks as that will make them worse and is of course very distressing. The main challenge with panic disorder is trying to help people remain mentally calm during adrenaline attacks, and over time they will usually decrease to nothing. But the random nature of attacks can be very demotivating and unsettling for people.

22-07-13, 16:29
I'm not sure if I've ever had a panic attack or just ongoing panic and worry or ongoing symptoms lol

I agree Joel you give amazing advice and support, my aunt is a nurse and I feel the need to ask questions constantly but she doesn't get the HA part I don't think so I feel like she's sick of me asking lol

I also find it strange that I don't worry about anything else, things that most people worry about dont bother me, money, friends boyfriends or work - I never get stressed or lay awake at night thinking about that - only health!

22-07-13, 17:23
Firstly Charlie sorry to hear you've had a bad morning, it's horrible when things seem to be on the up then you have a panic attack or something happens and you feel like you are back to square one.

Panic attacks are awful I don't think unless you have had one people understand exactly how scary they are.

I'm sure the meds will help and the longer you are on them hopefully the attacks will become less and less.

Gee I'm so glad you posted that about only worrying about health, most of my friends and family have no idea how obsessed I am about my health and would probably be quite shocked if they knew I was on medication to stop me going completely bonkers!

I relate so much to what you say about not worrying about anything else I don't either, my husband worries himself sick about work, money and all those other daily things and I can honestly say it just goes over my head, I never lose any sleep about it, don't see the point what will be will be, now why on earth can't I take that attitude and put it into effect about my health:shrug:

22-07-13, 17:35
I know!! I guess it's because my Brain thinks nothing else is as important as my life!

If I lose a job or get dumped or I'm broke - illness and death is always a million times worst! It's true that if u don't have ur health u don't have anything!

22-07-13, 21:51
Thanks Charlie xxx

So weird my arm feels "off balance " in some weird way. Its the shakiness that terrifies me :shrug:

Gee- i relate to what you say! Health is the thing that really prays on my mind too!
