View Full Version : Hynotherapy for sleep - it worked!

13-10-06, 17:01
Just thought Id pass this on. Id been waking too early for quite a while and the problem was also affecting my husband. No matter how still I tried to be or how gently I got out of bed I would wake him and he started to get into the habit of waking early too, which he doesnt need especially with the job he's got.

Went to the Dr hoping she would give me some kind of knock-out tablets for a few nights and when I got the prescription it was for 80 odd blimmin SSRI pills. Which I cant take, citalopram made me panic severely and I felt quite suicidal. I was really annoyed with her.

I went to a hypnotherapist last night, and for the first time in months I slept right through till the alarm went off. I couldnt believe it. I dont know if it will carry on working of course, but thought Id pass it on.


13-10-06, 17:15
Thats brilliant news,bet you had a lovely kip.[^]

Ellen XX

13-10-06, 18:16
Hi there, how lovely to read that post! Of course it will last, think positive, why shouldn't it? You see, as you said a while back there is a very big light at the end of your tunnel take care and keep in touch xx

13-10-06, 19:47
Hi Kath,

Great news that you slept last night after the Hypnotheropy, i have had 2 sessions also for my Agorophobia, and i feel as if i am beneiting from it, Beats taking meds dosnt it??!

