View Full Version : Lightning

22-07-13, 14:15
I am really scared of lightning. Thunder and lightning are forecast for today for my region. It has gone really dark. I have unplugged everything except my computer and will unplug that when the storm starts. One of my dogs is terrified of thunder and flips out at the slightest rumble. I am alone until about 7pm. I have had some very scary near misses with lightning and my house is on its own at the top of a hill. Does anyone have any tips?

22-07-13, 16:53
I used to be like this. I would advise you to focus on getting the dog through it, help him stay calm. That way you will focus less on your own fears.

Daisy Sue
22-07-13, 16:57
It's one of those fears which is incredibly hard to talk someone out of... I grew up fearing storms because my Mum was petrified.. she'd usher us kids into the understairs cupboard when it thundered & lightened, so of course I learnt to freak when there was a storm, or one forecast.

I think what got me to accept them better was having kids - I didn't want to put them into scare mode over storms, so I pretended to be brave and made a joke about God dropping the piano down the stairs. As time went on, I was no longer pretending, and although I really don't like storms and kinda hold my breath until they're over, I don't get too scared any more.

I make sure I've got candles and lighters/matches nearby, and a torch, and a mobile phone, and just wait them out now.

You'll be fine, they're far more noisier than they are dangerous, unless you're standing under a tree! ;)

22-07-13, 16:59
Yes, that happened to me too. That's why I suggested the dog. It's amazing how having to be there for someone else helps!

22-07-13, 17:21
I'm terrified of storms too! I remember once I was home alone as a youngster and lightning hit one of our cars on the driveway in the middle of the night, all the house alarms went off, the car alarms went off and we had a power cut and I had no idea what to do at all.

Luckily one of my dogs came and found me and lead me to the living room where our other dog was going a bit crazy, we just all cuddled up on the floor and looked after one another. Dogs are definitely a big comfort so like Speranza said, look after your doggie and hopefully they'll look after you back. x

22-07-13, 17:32
I used to snuggle in the basket WITH the dog when I was tiny! We both shivered right til the storm had ended. It was the only time she would tolerate me near her!

23-07-13, 22:25
I'm scared of storms too - I usually curl up in a ball on the sofa with candles, matches, water and a mobile phone to hand :)

Last night we had a pretty bad thunderstorm here - I didn't see the weather forecast so didn't know it was coming till it was upon us at about 6am. Curled up under the duvet terrified, doing the counting thing between thunder and lightning to convince myself the storm was moving away from me.

23-07-13, 22:31
I have 2 cats, one of them loves the storms, today he went in the conservatory when the rain was pounding on the roof and it was thunder and lightening. My little cat is terrified and ran to the living room and hid behind the settee. I don't like storms either but today I focused on my little cat and hugged him and that helped me to stay calmer. I also live on top of a hill which makes it a bit more scary.

Daisy Sue
23-07-13, 23:34
I took a half diazepam at around 2am, so when the thunder started at 6am-ish, I was like "oh yeah, thunder..." and snuggled back under my duvet & went back to sleep. lol! Must be my first ever storm where I've not got nervous even slightly. :)

23-07-13, 23:38
I remember my mum used to turn everything off is there was a storm!

24-07-13, 07:18
I still do! But I did ask and apparently you really should unplug modems, the power can blow them.

---------- Post added at 07:18 ---------- Previous post was at 07:17 ----------

Well done Daisy! :)