View Full Version : Eye test fears

22-07-13, 17:31
So I think I need an eye test, actually I know I need an eye test because I can't remember the last time I had one it's been that long.

Thing is I'm petrified they will find something I just can't bring myself to do it.

I keep thinking I've got melanoma of the eye or I've got a brain tumour and they are going to pick it up.

I just don't know what to do, I know I need to go and get one done, I do a lot of computer work and get tired eyes, I also have floaters but I've had them as long as I can remember and that was the last time I got my eyes checked was when they developed but I keep thinking I've not been for so long if they do pick something up it's probably too late to do anything anyway.

Why can't I just go my husband started struggling a few years ago with his eyes whilst driving and just went to the optician, didn't even give it a second thought whereas I'm just sure they are going to pick something up!

I hate this just want to be like normal people and go for these routine tests without being scared silly all the time.

22-07-13, 17:33
Just go anyway. Fake it til you make it has got me through a lot.

tbh I would want to know if I had something that serious! ;)

22-07-13, 18:30
I am the opposite I would sooner go and find out if their is something wrong or not,even though it makes me pannicy, I had head aches for 11 weeks and went Docs and he said go opticians, so glad I did as eyes were fine she said too too too long on Comp, suprise suprise:huh: I limit myself to about one hour a day with gaps and head aches have eased off.
So off you go and be reassured its always best to get eyes checked.

22-07-13, 19:06
I was the same as you, Munchlet. Here is my thread about it from a month or so ago. You wrote a really great post on it which helped me very much. Perhaps having a read of it will help xx


22-07-13, 19:19
Thank you Sarah

I do remember your post actually and have just read it again, if only I could take my own advice!!!

I think I might just have to book it and then it's done, I'll be a nervous wreck but I've put it off long enough!

thanks x