View Full Version : good day bad day

13-10-06, 18:01
my anxiety hasn,t been too bad last couple of days but as i'me writing this i can feel it lurking in the background and starting to worry. after having a good day when it hits me again it terifies me and i go into a right panic. i know this is just a blip and its waiting round the corner and will strike at any moment it aways does. i know thinking like this is unhelpful but what can i do, any suggestions? i am at the stage now where my reasons for being anxious have gone but the fear of the physical symptoms is keeping it going. anyone else feel like this?
stayed in bed most of yesterday so perhaps thats why it wasn't so bad but i can't do that everday although i wish i could!!!
what can i do when i get the horrible physical symptoms instead of running around like a headless chicken, panicking looking for an escape when there is none. please any advice would be so much appreciated.

13-10-06, 19:02
hi tracey i too am going through a really big blip again at the mo,so i know how you feel hun.i can,t really give you any real advice as i,m just like you (the symptoms make me panic even more)but all i can say is just try to ride it out,and think to yourself it,s just a blip and it will soon pass.
hope this helps a little
take care and i hope you feel better soon rachel x

13-10-06, 19:10
[8D]i know the feeling i have just had 2 fairly good days but today feel just like life is not worth carrying on,my husband works 4 days on and then has 4 days off i am ok when he is at home but go to pieces when he goes back to work he says i dont do enough to occupy my brain and get out in the daytime i dont like going anywhere on my own when i am having a down day yet good days i dare do things,like drive my car or walk to the shops or visit my daughter,but with being on diazepam dont feel as if my brain functions enough but seem to rely on them to stop the panicks.i wish the day would come when we can all function properly.hope to here from you how you are feeling today


13-10-06, 20:07

thanks for your replys.
i'me still ok at he moment just feel very on edge. suppose its a positive thing to have good days means its possible for every day to be good!!

14-10-06, 09:21
Well i'm looking forward to a great day today! I'm off to Drusillers Zoo this morning with a packed lunch, then Knockhatch Adventure Park this afternoon, finishing with the usual trip to Eastbourne Pizza hut. Not bad for someone who couldn't leave one room of my mother's house afew years ago!
If you doubt recovery is possible or that just round the corner could be 'gifts' unimagionable (i got married and had 5 sons!) believe me, never say never.....

Love to all members

14-10-06, 09:29
hi tracey thats just me bad days good days its very hard the only thing i can say is try to not think about it and try to get on with something to take your mind off it.its very hard to do but when i can do this it can change your day round to being good .hope this helps and let me know if you find anything else to help as i would love to try anything. take care tracy:)

14-10-06, 09:41
Tracey just read on here on one of the forums this quote thought id share it with you.Remember setbacks are a positive thing cause they show you have made progress ,If you hadnt moved forward you wouldnt recognise a set back.Is so true.
love Tracy

14-10-06, 11:05
hi tracey my names joanne, i have been suffering from anxiety for 2yrs now, when it first started i was in a vicious circle always scared of my heart going fast so i got the anxiety, always scared of the anxiety always thought i was going to die, it must of gone on for 12months, my doctor just said go on antideppressants but i wouldnt take them, i still went to work and i wouldnt give up, i dont get it as much now, but when i get it back it scares me because i am not used to it anymore, my advice is when you get it say to yourself i have had this before and worse than this and nothing has happened to me before, and think of positive stuff, let me know how you are getting on x

14-10-06, 11:44
thanks everyone for your support. joanne i am just the same as you. constantly think something is wrong with my heart. try to tell myself if it was anything bad i wouldn't still be here after all this time. i know i bring my symptoms on just by constantly worrying about it but when they come i panic and make it so much worse. its like there is a million butterflys fluttering around inside me!! i want my life back, just don't think i am strong enough to get there. had two good days and today got myself all worked up and now those horrible symptoms are back to ruin another day. even if they go away i will spend the rest of the day worrying about it. it just goes round and round. just want some peace.
thanks for listening.

Granny Primark
14-10-06, 11:56
Hi tracey,
I really understand how your feeling and what your going thru.Ive beein doing really well just lately but this week has been a nightmare. My hubbys had a week off and weve been going out everyday so i should have been feeling better. Tracey you are strong and you will beat this im sure.
Just think of it as a minor blip. Ive never felt depressed before but ive been really depressed this week. I think its cus im so desperate to get my old life back.
Im feeling more positive today and im sure you will feel the same very soon.

Take care

14-10-06, 12:05
thanks for your support lynn. managed to calm myself down a bit so feeling a little better. i am annoyed with myself because i've taken a sickie from work. had a panic attack there two weeks ago and had to come home. so this morning i was thinking if i go to work i am gonna feel ill. just couldn't get that thought out of my head. i won't have a job if this keeps happening then i will have more anxiety and worry.
worried i'me gonna become agaraphobic on top of everything else.

14-10-06, 16:48
Hi Tracey so to hear your having such a bad time.Im not having such a good today.Its horrid when you cant plan ahead as you never know how your going to feel.
Take care;)

Ellen XX