View Full Version : Panic, HA...

23-07-13, 09:29
I've been trying really hard lately to fix me -

I've gone on diet for the last month, and am losing weight.

I started exercising over a week ago.

I went for a long walk the weekend before, and this past weekend I walked for 3 hours around the zoo - no rests.

For the last few days my breathing feels tight - and I am probably breathing from the upper part of my chest. I normally feel this way before my period, but it's been 4 days.

This morning I tried to do some gym - to prove that it's nothing serious - and almost 3 minutes in on the elliptical machine, my heart started to race like crazy.

I managed it okay. I drank some cold water. I took my blood pressure - 116/79, heart rate 72 - so that's all fine.

But my chest feels fluttery and now and then I feel little pains that last a few seconds. Breathing still tight. :(

Am seeing the doctor tomorrow for a checkup and I have a long list of things I need to ask him about - at least 12 things. This is my first doctor's appointment this year, too.

Had a nice day yesterday - feeling happy. But now I feel disappointed and upset... and frustrated.

Just don't know anymore...

23-07-13, 10:16
do you drink or consume caffeine as that always gives me heart palpatations, if you do cut it out and i am sure you will feel better good luck at the drs blessings

23-07-13, 10:43
I cut out caffeine (and sugar) a few weeks ago. :) I only drink decaf now...

I am really struggling today...

I have a lot of wind. Tummy is churning. Little pains in chest now and then. Tight breathing...

Might have a hot shower, and see how I feel. Really do not want to rush to a doctor today, when I'm seeing one tomorrow! As much as I tell myself that it's my family doctor - that I've known for over 20 years - I am still scared...

23-07-13, 11:12
Positive changes, well done :) Let us know how your improve.

23-07-13, 15:42
I went to the doctor. :( He refused to give me an ECG.

Gave me a prescription for Lexamil instead. Have no idea what to do... no clue what they're about...


I am so, so sad.

23-07-13, 21:41
Have you had an ECG before AllySA? If not, those symptoms you mention should be checked out by an ECG. Probably nothing, but definitely should be checked out. I just had a free cardiac assessment by CRY (UK wide charity) and discussed my palpitations with them. They said that as my heart just beats 3 times and then goes back to normal and as it only happens every few days, that it's fine and normal - but if my heart races or beats many times like that, then I should get it checked out again. Can you see another doctor who takes you more seriously? An ECG is really a very easy, simple test. I sometimes worry that us folk with HA don't get taken seriously when we DO have something that should be checked out.