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View Full Version : Beyond tired

23-07-13, 10:19
I have been feeling lousy for the past week like I am going to collapse at any second because I feel so weak and tired. I'm worried its because of my slow pulse. It's really getting to me. When I mentioned it to the dr they just dismissed it without giving it any attention.
My pulse is slow and it feels weak whenever I take it, sometimes I struggle to feel it. What with that and the missed beats I feel like my heart is just going to stop at any second :(

23-07-13, 10:25
:( HUGS. :hugs:

23-07-13, 11:22
Well I called the dr for some advice and they seemed completely unconcerned and just read through my anxiety notes on screen and said I was 'reading too much into it'. Fair play to them that they get fed up with us but extreme tiredness and slow heartbeat surely isn't good... :(

23-07-13, 11:33
What medication are you taking?

23-07-13, 11:59

---------- Post added at 11:59 ---------- Previous post was at 11:58 ----------

I feel like I'm gasping for air and suffocating.

23-07-13, 11:59
That is good then cos I know some medication can make you feel like this.

I think we are all suffering with the heat at the moment as well - I feel drained all the time

23-07-13, 12:03
Well that's it. If I was taking medication I could perhaps understand it but I'm not and its making me feel really anxious which you would imagine would heighten my pulse not slow it down. I feel like I'm dragging myself around and dizzy when I stand for too long. I'm convinced I'm going to drop off this planet soon :(

23-07-13, 12:36
Anxiety is very very draining as well and can make you feel worn out most of the time

23-07-13, 12:41
I'm so frightened I'm going to collapse. Or my heart will stop when I'm asleep.

---------- Post added at 12:41 ---------- Previous post was at 12:40 ----------

It's like I've got to do dehydrate on breathing to keep breathing. I'm breathing really shallowly as well like I can take a full breath

23-07-13, 12:42
Ahhh if you are not breathing correctly that won't help. You need to learn diaphragm breathing - it tells you about in on the website pages on the left

23-07-13, 15:08
Hi there
I think I recall from a previous post that you were worried about a low pulse of 60? 60BPM is actually very healthy but it is sometimes difficult to take it yourself and get an accurate picture. I think you are also concerned about low blood pressure? I do think the doctor would have taken action if they were concerned. It's easy to get into a downward spiral of worry about symptoms which seem very real to you but are harmless. This in turn makes you more tense which triggers off more symptoms. The feeling of not being able to breathe properly is common along with heart worries. I have experienced some of this myself. Has the doctor discussed any medication with you to help control your anxiety or is just a road you don't want to go down? I would understand if this is the case and trying to relax and concentrate on your breathing is one way of tackling things but from what I've seen on here lately I would say your fears are growing and that you may need to think about getting some further help.

23-07-13, 16:59
I don't want to go down the medication route no. I'm starting counselling for my personal problems tomorrow which I hope will help.
My main issue with it all is that while I know 60bpm is healthy, it's not normal for me. My pulse has never been that slow. It generally sits around 72/75 when I'm not anxious.
My bp is lower side of normal, not low. I'm not as concerned about this but I am putting the two together and getting 100! Oh and adding in the tiredness which I am assuming goes with them...

23-07-13, 17:06
I understand, I really do. I hope the counselling helps you. It's not something I tried mainly because by the time I got an appointment through the meds had kicked in and I felt so much better. I was only offered 3 sessions and I didn't feel I would benefit. I do wonder if I should have taken it up. That said, because I was in such a state I did have a community psychiatric nurse visit me a couple of times and I found that helped me through.
Let us know how you get on.
Take care x

23-07-13, 18:12
And doesn't your heart beat faster when you stand up? Mine is still slow when I'm standing and then I feel weak and like I might faint.