View Full Version : new strange symtoms?

23-07-13, 13:49
hi axiety been very high the last few days but since yesterday ive been having these strange symtoms ive never had before firstly when i start to walk around i sort of feel as if im a little lightheaded but dont go dizzy and my legs feel abit shaky, and feel a bit wierd sorry i cant explain it better and my stomach feels tightand both my arms feel as if they are abit tight and i dont know weather it anxiety or something physical wrong i try not to panic but when these feeling come on i want to rush up to my gp but i dont want to keep going to see him because every week i go and see him over my symtoms and i think he is getting fed up with me doing it all the time im trying to do the wait and see approach but trying not to run up to my gp seems to make me worse as im allways looking for reasurrance , so maybe if any one on here could tell me if these symtoms are anxietyor should i go and see gp thks

23-07-13, 14:25

Just to say that I suffer from similar symptoms when having an anxiety episode, my legs feel a bit shaky, I feel completely wipe out, not quite dizzy, but a little spaced out. It is the affect of the extra adrenalin that anxiety brings according to my GP. :hugs:

23-07-13, 14:47
hi thk you smithlet i just wish i could just learn to self reassure myself instead of always asking for reasurance from everyone but juist dont know how to x

23-07-13, 15:14
Hi Tricia
You are describing common symptoms of anxiety. I have been fairly long term anxiety sufferer and thank the lord that most of the time I am well and can manage these symptoms but very now and again I start to feel exactly as you have described for no apparent reason. It doesn't matter how many times it's happened and that I know it will pass it still makes me feel uneasy and worried about what else it could be though I know in my heart of hearts it's nothing. Hope you feel better soon. It will pass.

24-07-13, 00:11
yup i agree with Darbysa, fairly common anxiety feelings. i get then daily ... even a few times a day especially when i'm approaching 'triggers' i.e. crowded places. self reassurance is a good way to deal with as you will learn to rely on yourself again (not that i've mastered it myself). wish you well.

24-07-13, 07:15
You will be able to self reassure with practice. Meanwhile, that's what we are all here for - to reassure each other. x

24-07-13, 11:24
Yeah those are just common symptoms of anxiety

24-07-13, 17:34
I agree those all sound like usual anxiety symptoms