View Full Version : Job Interview

23-07-13, 13:54
I've got a job interview in well...half an hour or so

It's for a volunteering placement in my local MIND but i'm absolutely terrified! The last job interview i had was horrific and the interviewer made me cry with how she was talking to me.

I know for volunteering things should be a lot less formal but I keep thinking, how can i possibly be any good at this when I can't even sort out my own mental health, should i just be honest and just say I suffer with mental health problems myself in the interview or would that be silly?

Any help?


23-07-13, 14:56
I'd say good luck but you've probably had the interview by now. Let us know how it went.

Pip x

23-07-13, 15:39
Just got back, the woman was actually really nice which was a pleasant surprise!

I didn't tell her about my mental health though but I'm doing a trial few weeks first before I get taken on fully


23-07-13, 16:09
Well done for getting through the interview and good luck with the trial xx:hugs: