View Full Version : Having a panic attack right now

Vita Bella
23-07-13, 14:10
Hi guys,

This is the first big panic attack I've had since joining the forum a few days ago. I thought I'd take this opportunity to get some advice on getting through this more easily.

I feel like I am suffocating. The hot weather isn't helping in the slightest. I've spent the last 15 minutes on the verge of calling an ambulance. I feel like I can't breathe enough. I've gone super dizzy and feeling sick. I'm sipping away at my water but it's not easing up.

Normally my breathing isn't affected this badly during an attack, it's mainly the chest pains that get me. So obviously I'm panicking more, thinking "is my tongue swelling? I not long ago ate a peanut sandwich... I've eaten peanuts hundreds of times, but am I suddenly allergic?? Why can't I open my lungs all the way".

Now my heartbeat is going ten to the dozen.

I feel utter shit. Can someone please give me tips to try out. I'll try anything!

23-07-13, 14:15
The best thing we can do is let it happen. Focus on one sensation and embrace it. Tell your panic to do its worst!! Its amazing how often it starts to subside.

Of course, this is great in principal but bloody hard in practice.

Failing that, try distraction. Focus on an item in the room. Or if outside, concentrate on the sky or a tree. Ignore the sensations and really focus. It does work promise.

Hope you feel better quickly.

23-07-13, 14:26
When I feel like that I go to you tube and listen to a relaxation for anxiety and panic attacks. Some explain and talk you through the panic attack. They tell you how to breathe properly and concentrate the mind on something else. It works for me.:)

Vita Bella
23-07-13, 14:37
Thanks, I'm at work at the moment and my computer doesn't have speakers so I can't put the youtube suggestion into practice. But I have been staring at the "Alt Gr" button on my keyboard seeing if I can make a word using all 5 letters. Turns out I can't. But it distracted me long enough to start breathing more normally.

Although my chest pain has now started. Do you think that's because I was breathing heavily for a while?

23-07-13, 15:01
That`s good your breathing is more normal. The chest pain certainly could be from that and also tension.

You are managing just fine Vita, keep concentrating on something else.