View Full Version : Trying to get a second chance

23-07-13, 14:23
Hello, this is my first post. It seems to me that a lot of people that end up on these forums are people where life has kicked them in the teeth. For me I'm wholly responsible for the state that I'm in. I suffered my first panic attack and subsequent breakdown about 2 years ago following an incident that I really regret. Following this a handful of other incidents and aspects of my personality that i feel ashamed of that I'd safely tucked away somewhere deep came flooding to the surface and I've faced these virtually everyday since. In general I'd say I've tried to live a good life, and these things don't really fit with the rest of me.

I'm not looking for any sympathy as I'm aware that this is my own fault, but I'd like to discuss with anyone that has found a way to deal with their own regrets and failures and move past them.

Sorry for the unusual nature of this introduction, but I'm really hoping I can find some help.

23-07-13, 15:24
Hello & :welcome:

No one will judge you here, it is a very supportive and friendly site. I hope it helps you to come to terms with your issues. You are not alone and reading/posting will help you to see that. I think many of us here have had their own inner demons to deal with. For me personally, CBT helped me so much and I learned a lot about myself during the process. I think once you start to accept those things, you can find coping mechanisms and different ways of thinking to help you move forward.

All the best, Kitti :)

23-07-13, 22:53
Hi. I'm sure you'll be glad you joined.

There's plenty of advice and support here.

You're not alone.

All the best.

23-07-13, 23:05
Hi, :welcome:
With regrets, I remind myself that at the time I made the choices I thought were right. Hindsight only works because we now know what the outcomes were. All we can do in life is be informed, make decisions from our heart, and then - if they don't turn out how we wanted, or if we feel we were stupid, we just tell ourselves life is a learning curve, right?

23-07-13, 23:08
If we never experience bad times, how can we appreciate the good times.

24-07-13, 13:48
Thanks for the welcome. I've had CBT before and it worked for a period, but now I'm suffering a relapse and the methods I learnt don't seem to touch my current issues. I'm hoping I can continue to learn from the people here

24-07-13, 17:55
Hi, doubt I can be of any help in general but just wanted to say I have found a lot of comfort and friendly support on this site and sure you will too. Mistakes are made by all of us and I bet there's not one person out there who hasn't made mistakes in life. Its whether you learn from the mistakes that count :-)

Panic attacks are horrible, evil things and anyone who has one would always say they wouldn't wish them on their worst enemy. So I really feel for you. I know just how horrid they are.
