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View Full Version : Woke up last night with heart racing

23-07-13, 15:28
The thunderstorms in my area were very bad last night.

I woke up around 3am with my heart racing because the loud bangs scared me out of sleep.

It happened again at 5am as there was more lightening coming through my curtains and loud cracks.

Is this a normal reaction? It was also a very hot night.

23-07-13, 15:31
Yes, very normal. Personally I love thunderstorms, but many people are afraid of them. Any loud noise that wakes you from sleep is bound to make your heart race. If the doorbell goes while I'm napping I wake up with my heart pounding, whereas I normally just feel mildly anxious if I'm awake.

I hope you will get a quieter night tonight!

23-07-13, 15:35
Yes I do that if the telephone wakes me. If you are frightened of thunder it would make it even more of a shock to the system. Hope you are feeling better now. x

23-07-13, 23:06
I had exactly the same! Woke up around 4am quickly shut my window and my heart was pounding like mad :P So yeah I think it's normal.