View Full Version : Panic Attack In Aldi

23-07-13, 16:11
Today I went shopping with my partner for the week's shop to Aldi. It started out OK with me just being a little bit nervous because it was filling up with customers. It then became harder and harder for me as I had to squeeze my way through the aisles and started bumping into everyone around me. I needed to escape because I felt that I was losing control and couldn't breathe. My mind decided, without my control, to concentrate on an out of control child who was throwing things and screaming his way through the store. He was looking at me and laughing and I, in my state of panic, took it really personally and started to feel faint and weak on my legs. I needed to escape to the car and left Mark to finish off the shopping. The thing is, I now feel like a failure because I couldn't even handle a weekly shop in my local supermarket. My day is now ruined and I feel an utter failure. This hasn't happened to me for a long time. I feel like going back to bed and staying there for another two and a half weeks. The only good thing about today was that I did manage to go into the Pharmacy to buy me new bottle of Bach Rescue Spray.:doh:

23-07-13, 16:13
LOL Sorry for laughing but I love that last emoticon!!

23-07-13, 16:18
That's how I feel. "Duh for not being even able to do a weekly shop".

23-07-13, 16:21
Edward, THINK POSITIVE!! You got to the shop and you managed the first bit. The fact that you then started to panic because the shop was getting busy does NOT make you a failure. I am sure I have said this to you before..don't dwell on the negatives and focus on the positives. Well done for getting to the pharmacy for your rescue spray...that was an achievement :D

23-07-13, 16:28
Thanks Annie,

I really needed my Rescue Spray. I was out of it and only had the Night Time one left, which isn't nice to be using during the day. The sweet taste is awful lol.

About feeling a failure. I am trying to turn my thinking around and be positive, but my mind is dwelling on that child and ruining my day. I'm not beaten yet though. I will get over this. I just wanted to share my experience with other forum members today. Thanks again Annie. You are a treasure. POSITIVE thinking.

23-07-13, 16:49
You got to the supermarket that is more than I and a lot of others on here can achieve, I admire you for even getting there so don't beat yourself up that in its self was a achievement. Well done xxx Kim

23-07-13, 16:53
I read that as 'panic attack in Audi' (Speranza will know how that happens!)
Anyway, don't dwell on the negatives of going.. Only the positive part, that you actually went, and actually did some time in the shop...
Don't be afraid to go again, you can do it !

23-07-13, 16:55
Thank you Kim. That is real nice of you to say. Now, I only have to believe it myself. A child for god's sake?

Thanks Stormsky. I'm trying to pat myself on the back for going in in the first place.

23-07-13, 17:59
Massive well done! I could only dream of being able to go to a busy shop like that!!

Don't let it put you off! Get straight back in that shop again as soon as you can! Show the anxiety who's boss! The worst thing you could do is avoid going back there. Agoraphobia sunk it's claws into me so fast that I'm now in hospital scared to leave my room. That took less than 6 months! If I could of done things different, it would of been to keep getting 'back on the horse every time I got thrown off' because now it's going to take me months to be able to get myself in a shop like that.

You are anything BUT a failure!! You have much much larger b*lls that a lot of us! :D

Steven xxxx

23-07-13, 18:43
Hi Edward, we all know that horrible panicky feeling in shops and make a bolt for the door, but we all go back again. So don`t be hard on yourself.
Steven, don`t you be hard on yourself either, it`s always easier said than done and everyone`s different. It doesn`t make us failures. We each do it in our own time. And you will do it again.

I find driving out of my small town very hard to conquer. I just can`t beat the fear at the moment, but hopefully one day I will.

23-07-13, 18:44
Hi Edward. Well done for leaving the house, well done for going shopping. You mustn't beat yourself up because you panicked or take that child's behaviour personally. You get similiar symptoms to me when I get in socially crowded situations. I can't go to concerts or anywhere where I know I will be jostled. Don't be hard on yourself or give up trying to shop. I mainly shop in large, open spaced ones that don't make me feel enclosed. We are warriors that have to battle our anxiety. You may have lost a battle but the war is to be won. Soldier on. Best wishes.

23-07-13, 20:22
Hi Edward. Well done for leaving the house, well done for going shopping. You mustn't beat yourself up because you panicked or take that child's behaviour personally. You get similiar symptoms to me when I get in socially crowded situations. I can't go to concerts or anywhere where I know I will be jostled. Don't be hard on yourself or give up trying to shop. I mainly shop in large, open spaced ones that don't make me feel enclosed. We are warriors that have to battle our anxiety. You may have lost a battle but the war is to be won. Soldier on. Best wishes.

Thank you Calliope. Crowded shops are terrible.