View Full Version : Really anxious about work do tonight.

23-07-13, 16:15
I work in a school and its our last day of term today (yay) but I am going to a work do tonight at a restaurant, it's food and a "disco" afterwards until midnight.

I'm so tired as last night I barely slept due to the awful thunderstorm.
I've been at work all day, so up since 6am and so this is all adding to my anxiety about tonight :(
I'm leaving in an hour and a half. Everyone is very cliquey at my work and as I only started in September I'm not really in with anybody.

I keep thinking I just won't turn up but I've paid the money now.
Also do you think it will look bad if I leave early?

23-07-13, 16:51
It would probably look better to go for a bit and leave early if you can manage it rather than not turn up at all and it will help you get in more with the others rather than being the outsider. Good luck if you go and enjoy :hugs:

23-07-13, 16:54
Go and enjoy yourself! You may not want to leave early!

23-07-13, 17:11
I agree with Stormsky. :yesyes:
Don't go with any preconceptions of how you will feel. Just go with the flow and take it as it comes. If you want to leave early that is fine, you can come and go as you please and you do not have to justify your decisions to anyone. You never know though, you may just be the last one on the dance floor.

23-07-13, 17:15
True to all the above comments but there's one major thing worrying me, one of the teachers has taken a dislike to me for some reason and every time I try to talk to him or even say hello, he blanks me. I haven't done anything wrong that I know of but now I'm always anxious around him.
He's going to be there tonight so abit worried its gonna be mega awkward. There's a few others who are similar with me, don't know why. Maybe because I'm the newbie or something but I entirely feel like the outsider.
It could go fine but what if I doesn't and they're weird with me? Because I'm so tired I'm going to leave at 10.30 latest. Meal is at 7pm so that should be ok. As long as I'm not the first.

23-07-13, 17:36
There will be personality clashes within any group of people. As long as you are considerate and polite to them when needed you really don't have to bother being too sociable (sp.?) with them. If they are so arrogant that they blank you then that says more about them than you and they aren't worth worrying about anyway. Just because they may seem to be getting on with everyone doesn't mean that they are actually popular, the others may be being polite in the same way as you will be toward them.
I bet that you are not the only one not really looking forward to this evening and just want to get it over with as well.
If you want to leave at 10.30 that's OK but don't get yourself into thinking that you have to leave at that time. Keep your options open, you can leave, you can stay longer or you can even leave earlier if that's what you want to do. Even people with no anxiety problems leave parties earlier than planned.

23-07-13, 17:39
It won't be awkward. The horrible truth is that most end of year staff dos end up with all the teachers and TAs getting horribly drunk. The trick is to remain sober and not have anything to feel awful about next term. The guy you mention won't be interested in finding you to persecute, he will be bragging or chatting someone up. You don't have to dance. But you might want to.

23-07-13, 18:08
I don't want to get horribly drunk because I don't like drinking really and I don't like how I feel the next day as sad as that is.

I'll have a couple.
I'm getting myself into a stupid state, a sicky, twisting feeling in my stomach and palpitations :( I feel like crying, why am I like this?!

---------- Post added at 18:08 ---------- Previous post was at 17:45 ----------

Eugh I feel really nauseous