View Full Version : What are you most afraid of?

23-07-13, 16:33
Simple question but not that easy to answer.

Is it dying? The symptoms themselves? Looking silly in front of others?

23-07-13, 16:45
Mines not dying necessarily but slowly dying, I couldn't care less if I were shot or run over tmw, this doesn't worry me, I'm scared of a terminal illness, of people watching me slowly deteriorate or of an illness that affects others ie. something someone can 'catch' from me.

I'm not scared of dying at all, it's what comes before that.

23-07-13, 16:46
Used to be afraid of many things..but to recover i had to lose my fears..

23-07-13, 16:56
I used to like the phrase "I'm not scared of dying, I just don't want to" as that summed things up quite well for me - I'm enjoying life and don't want it to end.

But now I'm a bit older, my main worry is leaving my kids without a father. Like Gee above, I guess I worry about a terminal illness and those around me having to deal with it, as well as myself. I also have the same worries about those I love.

Why can't we go back to childhood when the 'scary things' were monsters and ghosts?

23-07-13, 17:57
I am most definately scared of dying. I know one day I will die but hopefully when I am old and lived my life. I am petrified of suddenly dropping down dead or finding out I have a terminal illness as I have so much to live for especially my kids. That is my only worry right now. Because I have a long list of symptoms at the moment and trying to get answers from the doctor it has me at rock bottom every day wondering why I am feeling so bad and just wish I felt healthy so I could live again.


23-07-13, 19:13
Mummytofour this sounds exactly like me. Im petrified of dying, of leaving my daughter and never seeing her grow up.
I also have a list of symptoms with no answer, it s taken over my life everyday I want to feel normal so I can have my life back, im a shadow of the person I used to be just a month ago x

23-07-13, 20:17
Not just dying, but dying without dignity. Dying in shame. Like whatever kills me will rob me of whatever dignity I have, and that death will be just as cruel and humiliating as life. That's why I have anxiety.

23-07-13, 20:51
Stormsky your reply sounds like what could be a famous quote! Inspiring.
My biggest fear is death, I want to watch my daughter grow up, I want more children, I want to make many, many memories with my partner.

23-07-13, 20:52
I too am scared of dying and leaving my children. I can't bare the thought of leaving them I worry about it day and night. I have awful anxiety especially about my health. I'm due to have an operation soon and I so scared that I won't pull through. No one understands they say just enjoy life but I just can't seem to.

23-07-13, 20:57
Hard isn't it Bashley. Everyone says to me I need to live my life too (paramedics included!) but I can't i'm so scared of dying that I cant live.

23-07-13, 21:01
For me it's pain, I'm scared that those painful symptoms are a prelude to lots more pain not just a passing thing. You know when you're in pain and you think 'I don't know if I can take this anymore' because you can't control when it stops.....that is very scary for me

23-07-13, 22:12
Dying and leaving my 3 kids behind. So much I want to do with them, hard to focus on things or make plans for the future when you have it set in your mind you wont be here.

24-07-13, 00:23
I am scared of not being taken seriously. My symptoms being out down to anxiety and the fear they could be something else.....more serious xx

24-07-13, 12:33
Physical symptoms of panic attacks.

Female healthanxiety
24-07-13, 12:37
Having a stroke and heart attack and leaving behind people...

24-07-13, 14:45
I'm not scared of being dead, I'm scared of the moment of death, when we actually take our last breath.

24-07-13, 15:05
I'm scared of knowing when I'm going to die. Of someone telling me there is nothing more they can do for me and I have ????? weeks/months left. I have so much respect for those brave people who know the inevitable is going to happen and yet they carry on 'living' to the end. I hope if I'm ever in that situation I can handle it but I think I would just go to pieces and give up there and then.

24-07-13, 22:32
I'm scared of dying, being told I am going to die and leaving my children behind. I want to be here as long as possible and see my grandchildren grow up.