View Full Version : Any sinus sufferers out there?

23-07-13, 17:16

I just wanted some advice really as to whether this sounds like sinus issues.

I've had hayfever years and years and control it with a steroid spray through the summer months.

I've noticed over the last few years I seem to have more issues such as quite often pain in front of head when bending down low (more noticeable when I have colds) very dry nasal passages which if I put a tissue in my nose quite often there will be small amounts of blood on it. I think this must be coming from inside my nose and not my sinuses as when I do sneeze or blow my nose the mucus is clear.

My husband is also saying that I snore terribly. Now I'm overweight but I'm trying to lose weight and it doesn't seem to be helping. When I wake in the morning my mouth is dry I've also noticed that quit often when I use my spray for hayfever it really hurts like I've put salt on a cut that type of pain. It subsides pretty quickly but it stings like mad for a few seconds.

The reason for me posting is the last few days I'm feeling pressure in my cheeks and around my nose and eye areas.

I have been to the doctor a couple of times but have always just seen the nurse who tells me to inhale with steam.

Thing is I don't feel congested it's the complete opposite. I don't want to google as it will obviously pull through lots of horror stories but just wonder does anyone else experience this and if so does anything work to help with the symptoms.

I am contemplating the doctors but to be honest whenever I've read anything about sinus sufferers it seems a bit like fighting a losing battle.


23-07-13, 17:33
It sounds to me as though a sinus infection may have set in, I am sure it's not one of the Google horrors, but it might need antibiotics. I sympathise re the nose spray but it's a good idea not to use it too much. It sounds as though you are sleeping with your mouth open, I think I'd mention that to the doctor too. x

23-07-13, 17:39

I reckon its just the hot dry weather and all the pollen ...what you have wrote is exactly what i,ve got at the moment , the dry mouth is probably the snoring ...that wrecks my throat and very often i get the ache in the cheeks and around my eyes when i bend down , either that or sinus are irritated .

My nose often goes really dry and pain full plus a head ache when i work in dusty conditions it sounds pretty normal to me for a hat fever sufferer

23-07-13, 17:51
I suffer a lot from sinus problems and it sounds much like yours does. The thing that works best for me is alternating hot and cold compresses (on my cheeks just under my eyes) 10 mins hot, 10 mins cold. Heat pads on top of my head also help.

23-07-13, 17:55
Last year I had quite a bloody nose - from sinus. I went to an ENT and had a sinus scan... was also given a spray.

This year I've put 3 humidifiers around the house - and haven't had any issues. Try one - it might help. I sleep with one on every night, and don't always put the others on - depends if we make a fire or sit by the heater etc...

23-07-13, 19:21
Have had sinuses issues for about 1 year now, have had 3 lots of antibiotics and have been on steroid nasal spray for 6 months. Annie's compress idea is good advice this is what I have been doing to help and I have been getting some relief, my GP told me that sinuses probs can be stubborn to clear up but they can do in time.

23-07-13, 20:06
Thanks for all the replies guys, I think I will have to pay the Dr a visit, just feel like I've always had issues with hayfever but over the years things seem to be getting progressively worse, I just hope me using a nasal spray to alleviate my hayfever symptoms over the years hasn't caused more problems.

Thanks again.

23-07-13, 20:30
My nasal spray always made my nose bloody which is why I can't use them now. The pressure pain certainly sounds exactly how I am when I get sinus issues. There are four sets of sinus and depending on where the pressure is different parts of your face hurts. If the mucus is clear it is doubtful you have an infection, just a lot of snot from hay fever etc.
And the dry mouth could be from the snoring and keeping your mouth open at night? Do you sleep on your back as that's the worst thing for snoring.

23-07-13, 22:36
I think I have a problem with my sinuses!.. have tried anti-biotics and a nasal spray still no luck!.. just been looking on the internet I was thinking about trying sinusoothe!.. has anyone heard of it?.. it's got really good reviews but it is pricey around £18-£20!... in debate whether to try it or not!.. :/

23-07-13, 22:58
Hi all,

Munchlet, I sympathise! I have chronic sinusitis and sometimes the pain is really really bad. If you have an infection then antibiotics is the only thing that will clear it but if you just have rubbish sinsuses like me then you can get pain and pressure on an on-going basis. Hayfever could definitely make them worse which might be why it's flaring up at the moment. Unfortunately I've found certain perfumes can trigger a bad reaction so things like mild allergies (even food allergies) can worsen sinus problems. I currently use a steroid spray, decongestant tablets and an antihistamine as well as antibiotics when an infection occurs. The antihistamine really made a difference to me as it helps stop the problem from occuring rather than just trying to clear it once it does so if anyone has tried antibiotics and decongestants without any relief, then you may want to ask your GP for an antihistamine as well.

If you can find the cause of your sinsus problems (infection, allergy, hayfever etc) you'll find it much easier to treat than if you just use OTC general remedies.

Hope you feel better soon!