View Full Version : Always something to be anxious about

23-07-13, 18:41
I wish I was the kind of person who could take things in my stride, but here I am again, trying to stop anxiety taking a hold on me. I don't seem to be very good at coping when a crisis hits and I'm worried about hitting rock bottom again.

Earlier this year, something major happened in my life at a time when I was already dealing with a lot of difficult family issues. I won't go into details about what they were but I tend to be the one that family turn to when something goes wrong and they need support. This time I couldn't cope due to trying to deal with my own big problem (which was all my own fault) and I was left with very severe depression/anxiety for about three months and couldn't work/function etc.

Some of the problems are sorted but some are still going on. I've recovered quite a bit from the anxiety but and was just congratulating myself on getting through things and looking forward to life again.

Then today, out of the blue, a close relative rang to tell me they had been diagnosed with cancer. It's very close to a family wedding but they want me to keep quiet about it so that the wedding isn't spoiled. I want to help but my anxiety usually manifests itself as health anxiety (particularly about cancer) and now I am starting to feel really rubbish again.

I know I have to cope with this and I am not the only person to have to go through this kind of thing but I need to try to get a grip and wondered if anyone has any words of wisdom. Anything would be appreciated.

23-07-13, 18:55
I sympathize with you. I always find something to worry about and dread when the next crisis hits myself or my family. I just lose it and feel as if I`m going mad. I can`t seem to cope. Horrible feeling.

So sorry to hear about your relative and I hope they are cured, but I feel that`s a lot that has been placed on your shoulders too. Anxiety sufferers find it difficult to cope themselves and they need others to share their problems with too.

I don`t know the answer to this one and I hope someone comes along with some good advice that will help you.:hugs:

23-07-13, 19:25
Thank you Flori, I appreciate your help. I sometimes think I'm going mad too. Although in a strange kind of way, that sometimes helps.

It's hard to explain properly, but thinking I might be a little bit bonkers and therefore over-reacting is easier than accepting that the things I'm scared of are actually scary. I'm not sure that makes sense to anyone else but me but there it is. :shrug: