View Full Version : Insect bite

23-07-13, 23:31
Got bit by an insect no idea what type or anything on my leg and arm, the one on my arm is slowly going away but the one on my leg there's no swelling or anything maybe slightly red or pinkish around the area but it's really itchy and has been since it happened which was...last friday. How long do these things take to clear up?

23-07-13, 23:34
I got bitten last week, still got bump, still itches.

23-07-13, 23:37
I have had one nearly two weeks now that itches so there is no one answer

23-07-13, 23:40
Thanks, everyone I ask are like yeah mine usually clears within 2/3 days!
which is why I was like what the hell is wrong with me then! lol

24-07-13, 00:00
I have so many bites! I have noticed mine itch for longer when the weather is hot! I have one at the moment which won't give up! You can buy creams over the counter which stop the itching :) xx

24-07-13, 00:15
I'll join the club too. I went for a walk with my dogs around a lake yesterday and not only did I nearly stand on a grass snake, I got eaten alive by swarms of flies. One nasty looking thing bit me on the arm and I've got the biggest bite which is really itchy and making my arm ache. Take some antihistamines which should help and don't scratch because that's how they get infected.

I just hope the little blighters get some side effects from my ADs - I'd like to see them dealing with teeth clenching and vivid dreams.


24-07-13, 07:13
I am really allergic to random insect bites so sometimes mine last for months!

24-07-13, 12:38
Get some antihistamines. Sprays are great on bites, and certainly helped mine - foot was almost twice the size with the oedema, made me look like a pregnant lady :D

24-07-13, 14:45
Get some antihistamines. Sprays are great on bites, and certainly helped mine - foot was almost twice the size with the oedema, made me look like a pregnant lady :D

I know what you mean - it's nasty when they bruise. I had one on my neck last year and it looked like a hickey - it was really embarrassing.

I use antihistamines and some low-strength hydrocortisone cream which seem to reduce the redness and itching.


25-07-13, 23:21
Still worried about this, everywhere I read it says insect bites itchyness normally go after a few days, mine has been going on for 2 weeks now.
I've only just started treating it with a creame called, Anthisan, but even on that it says only use for 3 days :S

25-07-13, 23:47
If you're not sure and it's worrying you, you could make an appointment to see the nurse at your GP's surgery. Some bites take a while to heal but it won't do any harm to get it looked at.

Have a look here on the NHS website which might help:



25-07-13, 23:54
Doesn't really help me tbh, I'm just worried it being a tick bite, but I don't have any of the symptoms, but if I think hard enough I would say yes I do feel tired easily, but only when doing something active. I did have a cold actually, the weekend I got bit too.

25-07-13, 23:56
I just hope the little blighters get some side effects from my ADs - I'd like to see them dealing with teeth clenching and vivid dreams.


Teeth? :roflmao:

26-07-13, 00:13
Doesn't really help me tbh, I'm just worried it being a tick bite, but I don't have any of the symptoms, but if I think hard enough I would say yes I do feel tired easily, but only when doing something active. I did have a cold actually, the weekend I got bit too.

As I said, if it's worrying you, get a nurse to check it out. I think you'd know if it was a tick bite by the characteristic rash which is described on the link in my last post.


26-07-13, 07:46
One of my favorite parts of living in big city is the lack of bug bites. I grew a great appreciation when I just went to a very rural lake and got bitten up all over my body.

26-07-13, 07:51
I have quite a few bites at the moment, posted not long ago about one on my forehead, I put a ice cube on mine which helped the pain and swelling. I have had one on my ankle for several weeks now and it still itches! Like Pipkin said if you are worried the nurse will check it for you.