View Full Version : Broken Brain/Severe Mental Illness Anxiety

24-07-13, 02:39
Hey, I've been struggling for about 5 years now. I used to be/still am a huge hypochondriac. I used to panic multiple times a day and wake up in the middle of the night in panic due to health fears. I still have some o that but but mostly my anxiety has shifted which really scares me becaus I'm not used to it.. It's like a fear that my brain is broken. I used to fear of being/becoming schizo and still due but it's more so just that my brain is gone. I'm never going to e able to work a job, I'm not going to be able to do anything because my brain is too messed up. I fear broken brain and having a serve mental illness. I feel that I'm going to have I be in a mental institution or something. I'm only 20 years old. I'm not on any meds because I wanted to go the natural way with vitamins and stuff and I'm about to see a psychiatrist but that's like 2 weeks away. I just need some immediate help on this matter.. Please!

24-07-13, 18:41
hello i hope i can help say something to make things a bit easier, 5 years is a long time to struggle on without help, i think that you are very strong not wanting to take meds but some of us need them and can not function properly without them you may want to think about whether you are happy to live your life struggling and unhappy rather than take some meds which could help and give you some peice of mind and happiness, all your concerns are totally understandable we all have things we worry about and this is your worry, but i am certain your brain is not broken and you dont have a severe mental illness you have HA and prehaps depression or anxiety, its good you are going to see a psychiatrist they will help you so much but consider what they say and if they have advice on meds be open minded it does not make you vunrable or weak to say yes i need help, we all need it at some time, if you want to talk more please message me if you like blessings

25-07-13, 04:14
Yeah, I understand. I'm not totally against taking meds as long as they are not addictive or whatever. I heard some of the herbs like St. John's Wort and GABA, stuff like that works just as well as most anti-depressants. I don't know. It's so severe that I can't work or go to school or do anything. Maybe that's where most of my depression comes from but it sucks because with all of these emotions they manifest themselves physically. Like, my arms ache so bad when I get anxious or depressed (which is constant). The broken brain and fear of going/being crazy, past the point of no control. I just wish I could have like 100% fact that I'm not crazy and my brain isn't broken. Like with my Heath worries, I can just go to my doctor and get checked out even though most of the time the doctor's word only last until I get home. I just hate struggling every minute of everyday.

25-07-13, 07:11
I once asked my doctor if I was properly mentally ill, like the type that gets put into mental institutions, and she said the fact that I am asking means Im not, because if I was I wouldnt even know, and that it would be normal for me so I wouldnt be questioning it.

I just get extreme anxiety and panic, so I accept that now and know that although I have a mental illness, its caused by this, and apart from this problem I am normal-ish.

25-07-13, 07:56
Yeah, I hear that all the time. That if you're asking and afraid that you are mentally ill, means that you're not. You're actually very sane in fearing things that are frightening you even though your reaction is panic and severe anxiety. The whole mental stuff is just new to me. Where the crazy/broken brain stuff creep in. I'm so bad tonight that I'm thinking about checking myself in somewhere. I have the hardest time accepting my anxiety for anxiety. I'm either severely hypochondriac because if the physical symptoms or severely mentally ill or my brain is completely messed up because of the mental symptoms and constant negative/depressing thoughts.