View Full Version : 3 attacks since yesterday!

24-07-13, 05:28
I haven't had any attacks this whole year, but have had 3 since yesterday morning - 2 during the night. Am off to the doctor for my annual checkup in a couple hours... dunno why I can't control myself!

Will most likely go back on meds, but not sure which to take. Feel so down about this all. But my health anxiety has come back again since stopping meds in Feb. And I don't want to go to doctors every week like I did last year.

Hubby cried last night, and it broke my lil' heart.

24-07-13, 06:57
Looks like a fairly obvious trigger to me... Dreading needing the doctor and knowing you are going the next day? So it's not typical, is it?

24-07-13, 12:38
I've known this doctor since I was a kid. lol So not so obvious, no. ;)

He is the most amazing, kind person - ever! He spent an hour with me (working through my list), where other doctors just throw a prescription for meds at me, and tell me to go...

24-07-13, 12:59
I'm glad you have such an understanding Doctor. They are very hard to come by.

24-07-13, 13:04
I had to drive 40 minutes to see him!

Since moving to the city - haven't found a really nice doctor, at all. And I've been to a few. LOL


24-07-13, 13:06
You could go through a dozen of them before you find one you really like and trust. I went to quite a few when I moved to the city and some of them were just plain rude.

24-07-13, 13:22
I know - I felt SO sad yesterday when I rushed to the doc just up the road, and he didn't even want to listen to me.

I said to my nice doc this morning - sometimes, all we want is to be heard. And reassured.

He said he's never had anxiety, but treats a lot of people with it. He said he wishes people would NOT Google - it always throws out the more rare things. That's what started my health anxiety, although I've had panic attacks and general anxiety before I Google'd. hehe It's been just over a year now...

For example: a sore throat. Google might throw out throat cancer or something. He said he's pretty old school in that a sore throat is most likely linked to a cold, and so on. LOL He said he gets so many people that come to him with things he's never even heard of - that they found online. And he's been around a long, long time. And has so many patients - a lot that even travel to see him (like me!). :D

I dunno...

There is one doc here that I went to, and all she did was bitch about another doctor that I saw once. The latter, only did bloods. She didn't even touch her patients.

The one I went to yesterday has a fancy thingy on the wall about Psychology - but he really doesn't have a clue, does he!? Ah well...

24-07-13, 13:29
I know - I felt SO sad yesterday when I rushed to the doc just up the road, and he didn't even want to listen to me.

I said to my nice doc this morning - sometimes, all we want is to be heard. And reassured.

He said he's never had anxiety, but treats a lot of people with it. He said he wishes people would NOT Google - it always throws out the more rare things. That's what started my health anxiety, although I've had panic attacks and general anxiety before I Google'd. hehe It's been just over a year now...

For example: a sore throat. Google might throw out throat cancer or something. He said he's pretty old school in that a sore throat is most likely linked to a cold, and so on. LOL He said he gets so many people that come to him with things he's never even heard of - that they found online. And he's been around a long, long time. And has so many patients - a lot that even travel to see him (like me!). :D

I dunno...

There is one doc here that I went to, and all she did was bitch about another doctor that I saw once. The latter, only did bloods. She didn't even touch her patients.

The one I went to yesterday has a fancy thingy on the wall about Psychology - but he really doesn't have a clue, does he!? Ah well...

I thought Google was my best friend, a great source of information until I was convinced I had Brain Tumors, Cancer, Blood Cloths, Hemorrhages and Brain Bleeds. I was a mess after Google.

24-07-13, 13:36
Lots of us are... sadly.

I start my meds again tomorrow. I can't go back to how I was last year. It was really bad...


24-07-13, 13:37
Lots of us are... sadly.

I start my meds again tomorrow. I can't go back to how I was last year. It was really bad...


You'll be OK. I know you will be. How do you feel about the meds?:hugs:

24-07-13, 13:40
I was on them before... from Oct last year, til Feb this year. They obviously helped, because I felt good enough to stop them.

Doc said - I mustn't stop. If I feel good - rather take half a day, or one every second day. But because my biological mom has depression etc, I guess that's one thing I inherited from her...

I feel okay going back on the meds. I know what to expect. Not looking forward to the heightened anxiety, but it does pass... :)

My hubby isn't too keen, but he has no idea what it feels like. hehe I used to be pretty strong, and confident. But have become a complete mess in just over a year. I could handle anxiety, and panic... but health anxiety - eats you whole.

Hubby thinks that meds are the easy way out. Boy does that make me mad when he says that...

24-07-13, 13:44
You should never stop your meds because you feel OK. I did that last year and was sectioned. The heightened anxiety when starting meds again can be a real jerk. Hopefully it won't last long for you. Is it the anxiety that has you a complete mess? Excuse me questions here :hugs:

24-07-13, 13:52
No I don't mind questions... :D

I feel tense. My breathing feels tight. I go to bed feeling scared, and before I open my eyes in the morning, I'm scared. The rapid heart racing lately is really unnerving, even though I try to calm myself down - it doesn't help.

Yesterday after the panic attack, my blood pressure was fine. But. BUT then I Google'd - asking if I can have a heart attack even with high blood pressure. And it said yes. So then I had chest pains... and and and. :)

Last year, around this time, I quit my job, dog died, parents in hospital, and so on...

Twitches started in my calf muscles.

I Google - and the first result is ALS.

Then I get dizzy all the time, and have really loud ringing in my ear. I experience derealisation. I shake and twitch, all the time. I find a bump, and I freak out. Doc (nasty one up the road) says that it could be a tumor. WTF?! I freak out more. The day I went to get my arm scanned, it snowed here - which is REALLY rare. And I missed it... Turns out I just had a "prominent vein". But I went to doctor after doctor with each new symptom that popped up - convinced I was dying.

I got married in October. My wedding day was a total blur. And when we went away for a few days, I was scared - in a strange place, away from my home. My comfort zone.

When I got back - is when I started my meds. I felt that I had no other choice.

So - sorry to blab on, but I think I have a mixture of things, that make me a mess: general anxiety, health anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. I don't know if there's an umbrella term for all of those? Mess would suffice right now. lol :)

24-07-13, 13:57
No I don't mind questions... :D

I feel tense. My breathing feels tight. I go to bed feeling scared, and before I open my eyes in the morning, I'm scared. The rapid heart racing lately is really unnerving, even though I try to calm myself down - it doesn't help.

Yesterday after the panic attack, my blood pressure was fine. But. BUT then I Google'd - asking if I can have a heart attack even with high blood pressure. And it said yes. So then I had chest pains... and and and. :)

Last year, around this time, I quit my job, dog died, parents in hospital, and so on...

Twitches started in my calf muscles.

I Google - and the first result is ALS.

Then I get dizzy all the time, and have really loud ringing in my ear. I experience derealisation. I shake and twitch, all the time. I find a bump, and I freak out. Doc (nasty one up the road) says that it could be a tumor. WTF?! I freak out more. The day I went to get my arm scanned, it snowed here - which is REALLY rare. And I missed it... Turns out I just had a "prominent vein". But I went to doctor after doctor with each new symptom that popped up - convinced I was dying.

I got married in October. My wedding day was a total blur. And when we went away for a few days, I was scared - in a strange place, away from my home. My comfort zone.

When I got back - is when I started my meds. I felt that I had no other choice.

So - sorry to blab on, but I think I have a mixture of things, that make me a mess: general anxiety, health anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. I don't know if there's an umbrella term for all of those? Mess would suffice right now. lol :)

I know exactly how you feel being scared before you open your eyes. That happens to me in the mornings too and it can be really scary.

Google:lac: An enemy to say the least.

You're not babbling on so don't worry :) :bighug1:

24-07-13, 13:58
:hugs: lol Thank you!!!!!

And yes - Google. I think my life would be so different if only I hadn't done a lil' search. :mad:

I hope to wake up in a few weeks and just be 'okay'. I'd be so happy with that. Are you on any meds?

24-07-13, 14:04
:hugs: lol Thank you!!!!!

And yes - Google. I think my life would be so different if only I hadn't done a lil' search. :mad:

I hope to wake up in a few weeks and just be 'okay'. I'd be so happy with that. Are you on any meds?

Try not to Google. It always ends in disaster. I was terrible for doing it back last year and had my Doctor tormented with visits every two days.

You will be, so don't worry:hugs:

I am on a lot to be honest:

Prozac 20mg
Haloperidol 5mg Twice Daily
Seroquel 300mg
Lyrica 150mg Twice Daily
Zimovane 7.5mg Nocte
Tylex 500mg/30mg
Clopixol (Injection 200mg Weekly)

24-07-13, 14:10
Oh wow - have only ever heard of Prozac! :huh: I'm going to look up the others though. Just so I have an idea. :)

Thank you Edward. I'm going to blog for the next 2 weeks while I go on the meds. Will share it with you. Your chats are so comforting. Thank you again. :D

---------- Post added at 15:10 ---------- Previous post was at 15:08 ----------

Wow... that is a LOT of meds.

How do you feel taking so many? xx

24-07-13, 14:15
Oh wow - have only ever heard of Prozac! :huh: I'm going to look up the others though. Just so I have an idea. :)

Thank you Edward. I'm going to blog for the next 2 weeks while I go on the meds. Will share it with you. Your chats are so comforting. Thank you again. :D

---------- Post added at 15:10 ---------- Previous post was at 15:08 ----------

Wow... that is a LOT of meds.

How do you feel taking so many? xx

I'm only on the Prozac three weeks. I was on 45mg Mirtrazapine for a long time, but my Psychiatrist decided to switch me around.

I think a blog is a fantastic idea. I would love to read it.

And no thank you is needed. We are all here to help each other in times of need so I'm glad that this little chat helped you.

I know I need the medication to lead a normal life so I'm OK with taking them all. The injection can be painful at times though.:wacko: I get it into the backside in zig zags (One week left side, next week right side). It all depends on who gives me the injection Ciaran is the best.

24-07-13, 14:15
Am worried - you said that when starting anxiety meds again, it's kinda hectic? :/ lol Oh boy...

24-07-13, 14:21
Am worried - you said that when starting anxiety meds again, it's kinda hectic? :/ lol Oh boy...

NO! Don't think that way. It is different for everyone. Oh boy, I really put my foot in it.:shrug:

24-07-13, 14:22
No no not at all. LOL I actually asked that question in the meds section yesterday or some time - because I've heard of that before. :D You didn't do anything wrong, but you were the first person to answer my question! lol

24-07-13, 14:28
Oh, thank god :D I was worried that I upset you there for a moment:hugs:

24-07-13, 14:31
You could probably never upset me... :)

Since the beginning you have just been amazeballs. I have made 3 blog posts since talking to you - thank you for inspiring me!

If you want to add me to FB - drop me a note. I've added a couple from here. Just to keep in touch...

I don't know if I can help you, but I can try, too... :) xx If you ever want to talk, I am mostly around all day - work from home doing web dev.

I am off to potter about the house for a while. It's still freezing here... but apparently it's only 39 days until Spring.

:hugs::hugs: You didn't answer about how you feel on all your meds, but we'll get there, some time. I have not forgotten. hehehe

24-07-13, 14:35
3 blogs. That is amazing. Well done you. It takes an artistic person to blog about their feelings so well done again.:D Have fun pottering around the house and try to stay warm. Sure, we can connect on FB :)