View Full Version : Thyroid

13-10-06, 23:16
I don't know if I am posting this in the right place but I guess its an health anxiety.

I went to my doctors again two weeks ago and told him everything I have been paying to see a councillor which he knew nothing about I'm so luckily because he has been my doctor for 22 years he told me he was worried because I had not been to see him for 12 years and thats why he had sent me for MRI scan for my headaches the MRI was clear. He said we better do some blood tests.

My doctor phoned me today I have an over- active thyroid he has prescribed me beta blockers too slow my heart down. He also told me because of my age and a family history of this problem omg old at 39 I have to go the hospital on Monday for a dose of radioactive iodine. I am not going to goggle it but it sounds yuck.

Just need some reassurance has anybody here had this?


13-10-06, 23:50
Hi Mel

Yes, I've had this treatment. I tried medication at first but these caused side effects and so I asked to have the radioactive iodine treatment.

There are precautions that are taken because of the substance but the treatment itself is all over in a minute and I felt absolutely fine afterwards. I am sure they will explain everything before you are given the substance to drink anyway. When I went for this the two people preparing the substance were in protective clothing so be prepared for that but it isn't anything to be alarmed about.

Following the treatment I had regular check ups and blood tests and everything was fine for some time afterwards. There is a slight chance of thyroid function becoming underactive afterwards and this has been the case for me, but I don't have any problems from it. I just have to take Thyroxine medication and have my levels checked.

I hope it goes well and please try not to worry. The months of treatment I had with medication was so much worse than this treatment but the consultant wouldn't agree to do it until I'd tried the drugs first.

Hope this helps. This doesn't affect my life in any way at all now.


Lay me down roll me out to sea
Calling on a mighty wave to cover me
Lay me down roll me out to sea
Heaven if you're ready shine your light on me