View Full Version : So fed up

24-07-13, 09:01
Well ive woken up with palpatations again, and the shaking feeling. I can't stand much more of this. I know ive had heart tests like ecg, echo, portable monitor and ive seen a cardiologist and he said the monitor did show odd ectopics but they are normal in healthy people. I don't feel healthy in fact i feel awful. Im due to have a hysterectomy and i think this has made my anxiety worse. They canceled my operation at the last minute last time as my heart rate and bp went through the roof. I hate hospitals and im so scared something will go wrong. I keep getting palpatations constantly i feel achy all the time and feel so down. No one around me understands they just keep saying i have to think positive but thats not how my mind works. Im on medication for my lady problems and im on 20mg propranolol. If i get a pain in my leg i think dvt, i get a headache i think brain tumour im so scared of dying. I have been like this for 8 years. I cant change i want to but my mind just thinks the worst. I feel so drained by it all. These palpatations are so scary and when i get the chest pain too i just go into total panic mode. What can i do

24-07-13, 09:09
You know I'm feeling the same. I'm here to pm if you want to. Hugs

24-07-13, 09:27
I know how you feel. Ive had 4 ECGs, 2 blood tests, 1 chest Xray, 2 A&E trips and 6.doctors appointments in one month. Every time I have a chest/back pain I go into total panic mode. At the minute I am terrified of a DVT/PE and a brain aneurysm. Maybe tommorow it will be something different but.its a horrible feeling.

Nobody understands, my family think Im barking or just want attention. But these pains and fears are very real and.frightening, and I feel very alone. X

24-07-13, 14:01
Aw I know it's awful, I seem to worry about every pain and symptom. My doctors are so fed up with me. They say I've had all the tests, so stop worrying but it's not that easy. I was saying to my husband last night I can't understand why I am so bad. I'm not sure if my awful childhood has contributed to it or maybe because I had post natal depression but that was 20 years ago. I just remember always being scared of death, I used to worry about my husband dying then my children now its me its awful, every day is a battle

24-07-13, 14:24
I don't know if my story will make you feel better but I have finally stopped having palpitations. I was getting them all day everday (except for 2 periods when they stopped for a couple of weeks) since the end of January. I have been having counselling since March and I have the best GP on the planet but even with all their help and reassurance I couldn't get further than 70 percent well. So I got myself a couple of Claire Weekes books and read them. I am now about 98 percent better. I won't say 100 percent because I'n still coming here lol. I know how you feel. All the tests say your heart is fine but you just can't accept that a heart that is fine can feel like it is missing beats and jumping around in your chest all day and night. Trust me it can. I know there is nothing wrong with my heart

24-07-13, 15:54
Aw Swajj that is so good to hear, I've actually just ordered a self help book today. It is so hard to believe the doctors when we are the ones with the symptoms I'm getting the palpatations now. Sometimes they hurt sometimes they literally take my breath away. My whole body aches, when I went for a massage the other day the therapist said my whole body was so tense. My husband said I even walk all hunched up, he keeps saying hold yor head up high and smile but I can't