View Full Version : Vibrating head when waking and head pressure - so scared!

24-07-13, 09:19
I am really hoping someone can help..

When I wake up probably for the past few months it feels like my heads vibrating when im snoozing. Its only a really mild vibrate but it feels really weird and really scares me! It seems to only happen for like the 30mins whilst I am waking up. When I open my eyes it stops. It also feels like I have quite a lot of face and head pressure.

I am so scared I am having a seizure or something!

Please help :(

24-07-13, 18:32
i think if you were having a fit the symptoms would be stronger and more defined. could it be that when you awake you are panicy you are a bit shaky hence the vibrating or prehaps you are not fully awake and dreaming this is happening and its not actually happening in real life so to speak could this be an opption take care blessings

26-07-13, 11:57
I am so so so scared right now that I am having a seizure...

When I was younger I went through this period of having de ja vu everyday for 2 weeks which went away on its own. I am now so scared that they were seizures which I could have now.

Its a combination of this tingling face and skin as well as the dizzy zaps.. its driving me insane and I get scared to be by myself incase I have a seizure. I have had a clear MRI but I keep reading this doesn't mean I cant have seizures...

Help please, I feel like im about to drop dead!

26-07-13, 12:17
If you were having a seizure you would not be typing on here though.

I think you need to sort the breathing out and learn correct abdominal breathing as that will help with the dizziness as well