View Full Version : Palpatations

Liverpool Lou
24-07-13, 11:31
Hi everyone, I'm new here, my names Joy, I'm waiting for an
appointment with cardiologist, and need some support right now,
I suffer with palpations, have done for some years, but they've
Recently increased, can't seem to do anything without them
Kicking off, even light housework, I very rarely go out now, and
When I do I need to be with someone, these things are sapping
My life, I would appreciate some feed back, anyone in same/
Similar situation? Look forward to hearing from anyone.

Vita Bella
24-07-13, 12:31
I get palpitations, but not very often. When it does happen it stops me dead in my tracks, so I do feel for you. My friend used to have palpitations all the time, so she wen't and had all the tests done, but all was clear. She doesn't get them anymore. I think that thinking about them makes them worse, the mind is a powerful thing.

I'm sure everything is going to be just fine with your appointment. Let us know how it goes :)