View Full Version : Newbie (both to the forum and to anxiety!)

24-07-13, 12:36
Hi all,

I guess I'm trying to nip this anxiety thing in the bud before it becomes a serious problem in my life. I don't think I'd been particularly anxious about my health until a bout of gastroenteritis about a month ago. Basically since then my digestive system hasn't got back to normal and the longer it goes on the more I worry that it's a serious problem of some sort, even though the doctor tells me it isn't - and I have a feeling that the anxiety won't be helping my digestive system at all. I have good days and bad days, I guess - and when I'm having a bad day the vicious cycle element really kicks in, because I start worrying about how anxious I am and whether I'm losing the plot. So, that's me, I guess, and now I'm off to the IBS subforum...!


24-07-13, 16:35
Hi! and Welcome

I think i'm right in saying IBS and anxiety are a pretty common matching so you're not alone (I have it too)

I'm sure you'll find what you need here


24-07-13, 20:46
Me too, my anxiety started this time last year with a bowel infection and even though I am on prozac and most of the time now I am fine, when I do get a blip I get the two together, I am not sure if it is the anxiety triggering the IBS or the other way round as it always happens together.